Online FPS King of This Gen = Team Fortress2 on PC
Singlaplyer FPS King Of This Gen = Crysis is #1 and Stalker is #2 on PC (3rd place Bioshock or The Darkness)
Ah man I forgot The Darkness, I LOVED that game so much. Same with Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena.
Honestly, Assault on Dark Athena kind of sucked compared to Escape from Butcher Bay. They even used the same engine, but somehow the game just wasn't anywhere near as good.
I never played the original Butcher Bay, but when I picked up Dark Athena I played Butcher Bay and really enjoyed it, and I'm really enjoying Dark Athena as well.
Are PS3 fanboys actually happy with these sales? Bwahahahaha :lol:
Gears of War sales>>>>>>>>>>All those new IPs combined :D
Wow absolutely pathetic :lol: Well infamous is a new ip. Shooters is the top selling genre so infamous pulling out numbers like this is pretty amazing.
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