Well, I was kidding, but it's funny, so okay. :)
You know, M$'s Aaron Greenburg, that guy really does run his mouth, Shane Kim is just an exec without a clue.
Funny quote though.
I still don't understanding what you're talking about, but while Exec's are still crazy they've been pretty cool lately, even Kaz.
I'm writing in English right?
Yes, the Execs really have been cool lately...if you read that other thread you get my little joke, if you didn't read it, you don't get it. Kaz's comment, like Shane Kim's, was spun into a thread making Kaz seem crazy till you read the quote.
The reality is both guys have been fine, but spin is spin, you missed that other thread.
Haha, good one :|
I guess I did.
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