[QUOTE="enterawesome"]Sounds like PSP, there are some more action based RPGs on the platform (like Crisis Core), and shooters are pretty abundant, like Resistance Retribution, and MGS (sorta of like a shooter), and platformers are better on DS, but there some on PSP like Ratchet and Clank. The DS is probably superior, but considering your tastes, PSP sounds like your best bet.GreenGoblin2099
Yea there are a lot better shooters on PSP but there are so many RPGs on DS, so much more than PSP, and so many more quality ones.
Crisic Core was cool, but DS has RPGs, and SRPGs on lock down as far as quality and quantity (damn you Jagged Alliance for sucking!)
If you (the TC) get a DS check out platformers like NSMB, Kirby, or Yoshi's Island, but if you get PSP check out Loco Roco 1 & 2, Ratchet: SM, and Secret Agent Clank.
Call me whatever you want, but to me Crisis Core alone grants you a really nice experience with the PSP, such an awesome game and I'm not one of those FFVII freaks. The game is made out of pure win and even if you know what happens in the end, you can't help to be touched by the ending.
IMO of course.
Also, I don't know if you've tried Patapon... excellent twist for a rythm game.
I haven't EVER even played FF7, I just picked up Crisis Core because I heard it was a good RPG. And MAN was it good :D
I'm in a pretty interesting position, to have played Crisis Core then FF7, in chronological :P
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