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Happy New Year, Philes! :)

:::::HAPPY. NEW.YEAR:::::
)¸.•'´¯).... .. .....¤ª"˜Â¨Â¨Â¯Â¯Â¨Â¨˜"ª¤
Rack und Zack und Knall und Bumm!
Und das alte Jahr ist um!
)¸.•'´¯).... .. .....¤ª"˜Â¨Â¨Â¯Â¯Â¨Â¨˜"ª¤
Ein neues Jahr rückt uns entgegen;
es bringe Dir viel Glück und Segen!
Alles Gute in
Wishing everybody a Happy New Year!!!



... was a bad month for me so far. Not only did my boss have to let me go, no, my car had to get a new battery AND as if that isn't enough this morning I found that one of my tyres were flat and later on they told me that someone stabbed it.

life is unfair?

My Godson

was born, yesterday...


Aiden Berner





Maxim is just 14 months older and looks sooooo much bigger already.


Tagged... x-files style

So... Ais tagged me in her blog and I would never have found out if Piper hadn't told me cos this new blog layout made me stay away from them.

Anyway... 5 facts, uh?

hmmm... gimme a millennium to think about that^^

1) (to follow in Ais' footsteps...) I only ever had one boyfriend

2) I wanna have another kid - but not right now

3) I hate my thyroid gland

4) I like playing prince of persia on PC or PS2

5) I used to hate F1, now I love it.

who do I tag? no idea, really... hmm... (hope I don't double tag anybody)

aimes, seamus, bre, umm... cassie and katie

"snogger" problem revisited


as some of you might remember a while back I posted in a blog about the problem I was having with a german board. there is a group, the snoggers, that were ranting and raving about just anything to do with DD and GA. I mean, they would go on about how great a couple they would make and say some kinda offending things about their real partners etc... interprete things into pics that aren't there and so on.

Now this morning I was happy to see the sight has reacted (I think they were threatened with a court thingy) and closed these threads. Now most of those snoggers are fuming cos they just don't see that what they do could be harmful and whatever.

Anyway, I'm happy, the thing is closed and I won't have to read or be told any more of these weird type of things.


Maxim is walking!!!

Soooo... here's the proof some of you (not looking at you, Bruna ;) ) have been asking for. Little Mulder walking at the age of one. His first word wasn't JFK tho... it was "bitte" which translates to "please".

Maxim is walking!

xxx mim xxx

who wants to be a cyber-godmother?

Okay, Bruna gave me this idea, since so many of you wanna buy my kids, and that isn't possible, why don't you guys apply for the job of a cyber-godmother ;) ?

just let me know why it should be you and I'll let jill decide LOL, btw, she cut her own hair today and now looks like a boy ;)

xxx mim xxx

here they are again... the "objects" ;)




heya all...

was thinking of torturing you all again with kiddie pix ;) one week to go until I'm back at work. dunno if I'm looking forward or not. got back into playing football (soccer) and it's nice, but I can tell I haven't played in a loooooong time. My body aches ;) so if any of you care to give me a massage, feel free to say the word :D

Here are some pix of my kids, and 2 video clips. Enjoy!







Jill in kindergarten

We got a CD full of pictures from the kindergarten, from the past 10 months or so. So here are some pics that show you how Jill's life in kindergarten is going :D

here she is in the forest with her group


with her friend Laura


Laura and her playing in goo ;)


on her birthday


playing outside
