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x files layout - PIX

today I downloaded for my mobile a generator to make your own layouts. Of course I also made an xf one, which is currently on my display :D

it's soooo cool, and I had fun making it. so if anyone of you has a sony ericsson mobile and would like an xfiles layout, let me know and I'll gladly make one for you :D


pix :)




last one my camera just didn't want to focus but I think you get the idea


Hi everyone. As from tomorrow I'm doing a 4-week course in lymph drainage (for those who know) which will keep me away from the pc a lot I think.

So just in case you think I got abducted by aliens... I did not. Will be back fully after August 3rd. Hope to have time to watch XF2 before that date tho so keep your fingers crossed.

Hugs 4 every1...


feeling better

after having a stomach bug for the 2nd time in 5 weeks... it's really a crap feeling, especially when you can't afford to stay in bed when you feel like it cos you got kids to take care of. But I made it through it and hope that it's really over and that was the last I've seen about stuff like that in a looooong time.

Hope you all are well and enjoying the weather. Maxim is exactly 10 months old today and it's only 21 days over here until xf2 starts :D

hugs for everyone


Germany vs Spain

So Germany made it to the European Football Championships finals (soccer!) and have to play Spain. Of course I hope Germany win it but I also hope Spain win it cos my current favourite player is Spanish. Cesc Fabregas, that's him :D

So, if I'm not in on Monday it's because I'll be hungover still ;)


EDIT: pix 4 piper ;)




Jill's table

here's the pics of the table that I was painting and that Jill messed up. I covered most of her tracks but decided to leave two of her handprints on

the other pix are from the tshirt we made on a german forum and Jill playing with the mulder and scully action figures when we had an xf meeting :D









X files sites... HELP!

Okay, since our harddrive died and thus all my bookmarks were gone I want to get them back. BUT some sites I dunno how i found them... whatever I put in Google now, I cannot find them again, so if you wanna help me, please give me all the links you know of :D






A N Y T H I N G ! ! !

Thanks for your help :D


All well again...

So, by now we're all past that bug and feeling 100% :D so thanks again for your wishes :D :D :D

On another note, yesterday evening I got a pm on msn from a German girl that asked me if I heard anything about DD and Téa splitting up. I hadn't and asked around here (piper, dana...) and they had heard nothing. So I kept looking around and with the help of some other chatters found out that the thread where that girl had seen it was all about wishful snogger thinking.

Now I think that is dangerous! Why? Because if it happens as it did, someone who doesn't really understand what it's all about reads it, and spreads that "rumour" then REAL problems could follow. Of course everybody can think or wish whatever s/he wants but I would think they should NOT post it on a forum because that's how false, misunderstood information gets spread like wildfire.

To add up to that they even "suggested" that DD might be the dad of GA's baby. More wishful thinking! They backed that "theory" with an interview about the xf2 where they say when asked about how it was to work with GA again he was stammering and looking away. I watched the video again (the one where the black guy asks the questions) and I don't see what they see. For me he speaks as he always does, and don't we all look wherever when we think about answers?

Lots of hot air that I hope will do no harm. As I said I find it very dangerous to do something like that.


Maxim got it now :(((

So now that Jill is back to normal Maxim has started puking... same story only he's smaller and has to deal with it. Just hope I can get more sleep next night than last one. I slept just a little over 2 hours.

:( :( :( :( :(

P.S. ... and me too. not as bad as the kids but i'm having a fever and no appetite and am aching all over

:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Poor Jill

She's sick. Was brought home from kindergarten cos she had thrown up. Back here she drank a bit and threw up again. So I took her downstairs to the doc. She was real good, but the doc only said to watch it and that she could still get a fever and diarrhoe. :( back home she drank again (they're supposed to drink lots) and threw up again.

I'm feeling sorry for her cos she says she's hungry and she wants to drink but can't keep anything down. Hope it goes away soon.