@Ladiesman17 Very good for asians, now for the real world: http://www.tweakguides.com/Piracy_5.html You can get quotes in the link above from several big names in industry saying how they are moving away from PC games developing and into developing games for consoles because "the amount of people who pirate PC games is astounding" compared to the amount who do it for consoles, resulting in better console sales. I'm sorry that these "Asians" of yours can't download small game cracks using torrents to play PC games, but apparently can open up their consoles and install an illegal chip that disables the piracy security in the console. They, however, are not the whole world's market. . . In fact, even if we assumed I was wrong about console piracy being a lot less spread than PC piracy (and I'm not), however, do you think people that are able to modify their console's hardware to allow pirated games to be played can't do the same thing to allow used games to be played? They probably could, making Bach's cramming of the "piracy" problem here even less relevant to consoles.
"There could be awesome single-player-only games, which you can't really do these days because people just pirate them, which is sad." - Patrick Bach Pirating games is only a problem on the PC, since it is much more difficult to pirate PS3 and Xbox 360 games because it requires physically modifying the console's hardware and voiding your warranty, making it much less common. So no need to cram the pirating "issue" into a discussion regarding consoles and not PCs.
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