@beauregarde12 i can see that you are a MP fan and will probably have fun. from what i've read, this game sounds like it's in trouble and adding MP won't save it (or make it a day one for me).
such move would be a big mistake for the next gen systems. the fan backlash would be huge and destroying a major distribution stream makes little sense. Every used game was once new and the crybaby devs--who charge a pretty penny for most titles (and BTW get 100% of DLC funds)--are slitting their own throats by pushing this misguided effort.
the new (more mature) TR game just moved from a "must buy" on my wish list to a "wait until it goes on sale" after the game tanks from lack of focus/QC. the last TR game (Underworld) was such a bug fest i lost interest in trying to finish it.
minkbikini's comments