So many people aren't getting what this article is about. Reading the comments saying that gamespot is being paid to bash Nintendo. What arrogance. They brought up criticism over something you like, they must be corrupt! They aren't even directly bashing the system but the marketing strategy. They got it out to gammers in a hurry, presumably so people could buy it for Christmas, but there are not very many games out for it and no games scheduled for a release anytime soon. The criticism here is all they are doing to address the issue is telling fans they are going to make new titles of the same series they've had for years. What the author is saying is they need to come up with new games to entice a new audience and actually evolve. How many of you seriously only play Nintendo games? Those of you saying you bought it and can wait for new titles, not everyone has money to throw around to buy a new console then just wait for good games. This is more than just blind hate thrown at Nintendo. Grow up.
mirage_so3's comments