where r the other 2 ._.Heros_Enemy
First post was too long-.-
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Entry 3:
Suddenly a strnge hole opens up which gains the attention of a few people. But they ignore it. Three people step out of the hole and land softly on the ground. Three people have stepped out of the hole and look around one has blue hair, one has a part of a helmet, the other is a huge brute. The one with the blue hair is missing one of his arms and says quickly. "Why the hell are we here?" The one with the helmet says showing no emotion or just not caring. "We were actually supposed to go to the world of the living. Yammy here was an idiot and sent us here." The big guy who is apparently Yammy gets mad and yells in interjetion. "WHAT! This isn't my fault!" The one with the blue hair quickly steps up. "Then why the hell are we here!?" Yammy gets even angrier and is spitting when he says... "SHUT UP Grimmjow!! At least I didn't lose my arm for good!" The blue haired guy who we can assume is Grimmjow says out of spite. "At least a weak Soul Reaper didn't cut of my arm." He smiles and even the small one in the helmet smiles. "Look even Ulquiorra is smileing. Yammy you suck!" Yammy is bloodshot red by now. "Ulquiorra? G-Grimmjow shut up!" Yammy motions toward Grimmjow but is interupted by Ulquiorra. "Both of you shut up. We have to go and this quabbling is not helping." His voice was still emotionless. Grimmjow just smiled a bit. "Good. I would have killed this weakling anyway. Oh well at least I got Ulquiorra to smile. "Ulquiorra turned to Grimmjow. "I only did that because I sensed a captains Raiatsu." Yammy's face quickly turns from anger to worry then relief. "Heh we will just kill them." They all sense a huge amount of Spiritual Pressure and Yammy and Ulquiorra drop to their knees. "Weakling you both are pieces of trash." Grimmjow and Yammy manage to stand up. Yammy quickly opens up a portal. "L-lets go. I think they sent the big guns here." Grimmjow just goes through without saying anything same for Ulquiorra.
When they exit the portal they are unsure where they are but it seems familiar. "Yammy? Ulquiorra says quite annoyed. "What I took us to the world of the living." Yammy said it kindof dumbly. Grimmjow said rather annoyed as well. "This is the Hollow World dumb ass!" Yammy looks around and after 5 minutes finally responds. "Oh yeah I guess it is..." Ulquiorra shakes his head slightly. "Yammy you idiot. You really need to learn how to do a lot of things better..." Grimmjow just stares at Yammy.
They finally get back to Hueco Mundo after 5 more tries. Ulquiorra is still hiding his emotions but is annoyed. He leaves and Luppi the new person joins the attack along with Wonderwise. They go through the portal. They appear in a very cold place. Yammy screams/ "I messed up again?!!" Luppi sighs and Grimmjow starts to strangle Yammy Wonderwise is on a corner laughting and watching the snow.
Entry 4:
Funny Bleach Episode 5: Boys Never Learn
*Everyone sitting and eating right after burying the guys*
*The guys spy on them*
*Renji whispers* You guys ready? I`m going in.
*Soi* Seriously. To think they would know by now that we know they`re spying on us.
*Renji* Alright boys come on in. They spotted us again.
*Rukia* Helloo. We are eating here.
*Ichigo* You obviously aren`t reading anything cuz you`re too busy reading Yaoi magazines all day.
*Rukia* Are you mocking my Yaoi, you perverted bastard?
*Yoruichi* Anyways i`m going to bed. Goodnight! *Slams door*
*Rangiku* Why are you guys here anyways?
*Grimm* We want revenge!
*Soi* Figured. So sad that even after all the teaching we`ve done, they still don`t get it. We women rule over all!!! It doesn`t get much clear than that.
*Rangiku* Yeah, i mean are you guys retarded?
*Rukia* I agree.
*Renji* Hey who`s side are you on.
*Rukia* Do i have to spell it out for you? Isn`t it obvious that i`m on the women`s side? I mean come on, to think that having s** with me would give you a clue about what i am. What a loser.
*Renji* Heeeey i thought you liked me.
*Rukia* Get real. That was before i found out you were a perverted psycho.
*Rangiku* At least my Hitsugaya isn`t like that. Lol.
*Soi* Or Chad. He`s so sweet.
*The door of Yoruichi`s room breaks open and Yoruichi flash steps in front of Soi* Did you just say what i think you said?
*Soi* Yeah, so?
*Rukia* Wow, i didn`t see that coming.
*Rangiku* Awww she likes someone.
*Ichigo* Oh boo hoo. Somebody might be capable of telling Chad *Rolls eyes*
*Soi* You wouldn`t.
*Ichigo* I would.
*Soi chokes him* I swear on all the strength in me that if i find out you told him, i will break every single bone in your body. Is that clear?!
*Ichigo laughs* Yeah right.
*She chokes him even harder* You know i always keep my word Ichigo.
*Ichigo* Alright alright! Please just stop choking me!
*Soi slowly lets him go*
*Renji* So.... I guess since we are here we might as well watch some videos while Grimmjo makes us some delicous popcorn.
*Grimm* Yeah....hey! Why do i have to do it?
*Ichigo whispers in his ears* Because that way we can poison the girls.
*Grimm* Ooooooh. Gotcha. Well i`ll go make the popcorns then. Be back in a bit.
*Rangiku* Yay!
*RUkia* Awsome. What are we gonna watch btw?
*Renji* That is a good question....hm lets see.....what are we gonna watch...Well we can watch whatever`s on tv.
*Yoruichi* Wow. How boring. I`m gonna go check on Grimm.
*Icgigo and Renji both scream* No no no no!
*Soi* Hm? What the hell is wrong with you two.
*Ichigo* Uh..nothing. Just uh..uh..just rememberd that i had to go do something. Uh gotta go!! *Runs off*
*Rangiku* WTF? Where the heck is he going?
*Rukia* Maybe he peed himself.
*Yoruichi* Well anyways i`m gonna go check on the popcorn.
*Renji thinks to himself* We are so dead. Uh i just rememberd i forgot something. Gotta go. Bye! *Runs off*
*Soi* Okay this is getting really weird.
*Grimm* Haha. Those b**** are gonna get it now.
*Yoruichi* Oh really? Get what.
*Grimm* WOW! Geez you scared the s*** outta me.
*Yoruichi* Why? You weren`t especting me? Girls get in here!
*Grimm* Oh crap.
*Yoruichi pulls his ears and hits his head against the wall* What were you going to put in there?! Tell me or i will scratch your eyes out!
*Rangiku* What`s up Yoruichi?
*Rukia* By the looks of it i say we`ve been set up again by the same ****heads.
*Soi* You guys never learn that we OWN you. We are unbeatable you jackass!
*Yoruichi* Let me guess. It was Renji`s plan wasn`t it.
*Grimm* Yeah. Ow my ears.
*Yoruichi* Alright we need to come up with a plan quick! And it seems that your ''so called'' buddies left you all alone here for us to torture you.
*Grimm* Those bastards! I`ll kick their coward asses!
*Soi* I think we got one of em in our crew.
*Rukia* So it seems. Sweet.
*Rangiku* Alright so what`s the plan.
*Grimm* How about we tie em up on an electric chair and torture them all night long.
*Yoruichi* That is so evil. I didn`t know you had it in ya. Welcome to the sisterhood Grimmjow.
*Rukia* Now it`s time for some fun. Hehe.
*Soi* Lets get em!
To Be Continued...
Funny Bleach Episode 5 Part 2: Boys Never Learn
*At boys hideout*
*Renji* Few, that was close.
*Ichigo* Tell me about it. Haha. Lets hope Grimmjo finished the job.
*Renji* Haha. Knowing him, he propably would have.
*Outside boys hideout*
*Soi* Okay girls here`s the plan. Get in grab them and get out without anyone noticing. Got it?
*Yoruichi* Got it. I`ll go in catform*Transforms into black cat* Now lets get those creeps.
*Rangiku* And i`ll sta out here to see if anyone`s coming.
*Rukia* And i`ll knock Renji out. I also brought a stick to poke him on the way back. Lol.
*Grimm* Haha. Good for you, Rukia. Now lets go kick some ass.
*Renji and Ichigo laughing while reading Hentai magazines untill suddenly...Soifon breaks door open and kicks Ichigo in the stomach*
*Ichigo* Ow! *Falls on floor*
*Grimmjow punches Renji in the nose and knocks him out*
*Rukia* Got em, lets go.
*The guys are being carried to the girls hideout*
*Rukia is poking Renji with stick* Get up sleeping beauty.
*Soi* Not helping. Yoruichi would you do me a favor and wake them up?
*Yoruichi* My pleassure *Scratches their faces*
*Both wake up screaming with red scratch marks on their faces*
*Renji* My face is burning. Damn it Yoruichi! Rukia stop poking me with that damn stick!
*Rukia* Haha. Crybaby.
*Ichigo* Why am i tied up? And why the heck is Grimm standing there doing nothing?
*Soi* That`s a good question. You guys left him behind for us to torture. But now as revenge he joined us and we are all gonna torture you like crazy.
*Rukia* But we`ll go easy on you first.
*Rangiku* Right *Grabs shotgun*
*Renji* WTF?! What are you gonna do with that!
*Ichigo* OMG! We are so dead.
*Rukia* Rangiku i thought we were gonna take it easy first.
*Rangiku* Oh right *Throws shotgun without looking*
*Soi* OOOW! Rangiku! Watch where you throws those things.
*Rangiku* Oops. Sorry Soi.
*Yoruichi* Let the torture begin! *Grabs remote and presses button*
*Soi* Give up yet?
*Smoke coming out of them*
*Renji coughs* Yes.
*Ichigo coughs* Yeah.
*Rangiku* Oooow jus one more. Just for fun. *Presses buton again*
*Both screaming* AAAAAAAAAH!
*Rukia* Haha. I hope this is the last time you guys are this dumb enough to pick another fight.
*Renji* We`ll keep that in mind from now on. So..can you untie us now?
*Ichigo* Yeah, please.
*Rukia* Alright. *Unties them*
*Renji stands up and looks at Soi* So we good now?
*Soi shoots him with shotgun* We are now. Hahahahaha
Entry 5:
it all begins like this....
* zommari and seker are walking into kfc. they both order a bucket each. they walk out of the store seker punches zomamri in the you know were and takes his bucket of kfc and runs. zommari runs after seker slips and falls and looks like a fool in front of a whole bunch of girls and even better he wet his pants*
Zommari-i will get you for this seker... i will.
* Zommari goes and ask permission to bring some arrancer and hollows to soul sociaty*
Zommari- Aizen please. i need to destroy seker he humiliated me infornt of people
Aizen- I dont know if i should allow this becuase you made a stupid mistake i mean come on you got owned by a hit and run he like falcon punched you @ss.
* Zommari becomes the espada idiot. he goes in his room and makes plans for the attack on Soul socity*
* Seker is walking and he sees zommari*
Seker- oh hey whats up
Zommari- you humiliated me...
Seker- i was just playin come on lets go play some ball
Zommari- no..
Seker- What?
seker- aiight aiight chill
* seker turns his back and zommari slices sekers arm*
Zommari- Arrancers and hollows GOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Seker- crap...
*as millions of hollows/ arrancer come the gotie 13 prepare to realiate the attack. mean while seker and zommari are in a fight. ZOmamri sonidos around seker and repetitivly slashes him and then pushes seker to the ground*
seker- what happend... how did you get so strong...
Zommari- haha its a secreat i cant tell
Seker- come on
zommari- ok i will. its this thing in the human world called steroids their amazing!
seker- O.O umm ok...
* while they fight the gotei 13 attack all the arancars and hollows and so do the shiningami*
Zommari- this will be the end of soul sociaty
* right after zomamri says that a little kid pants him*
* seker luaghes so hard and then stabs zommari. zommari falls and looks like hes at the verge of death*
Zommari- time for the final wepon
* zommari takes out a ball and throws it*
Zommari- my chuck-ball will destroy you
* outt from the ball came a bright light and from the ball accended chuck norris but as an arrancer*
Seker- OH ( words that can not be said* music plays for 2 min*)
arrancar chuck- HAHAHAHAH
* arrancer chuck is round house kicking and upper cut kicking seker*
Seker- ow oh my lanta that was the upper cut kick that he used on horses and created girrafes
* seker goes into bankia and it was an all out battle. seker gets stabed and looks dead*
Zommari/Chuck- hahahaah!!!
* hours later they are beating people and chuck and zommari are face to face with the gotie 13*
Zommari- you insolent fools will feel my wrait
* they run at each other slow mo with the song dont you forget about me playing in the back round but seker came outa knowere lighting fast and destroyed zommari and chuck with the legendary kfc chicken wing he had*
seker- finnaly thats done.
zommari barley alive- i thought you died
Seker- ummm no that was my dog who i made look like me
Zommari- not again!!!
* zommari sonidos out and the body of chuck is left their for studying. seker gets treatment at the hospital and zommari gets abused at hueco mundo becuase of this un outhorized mission he did*
* right after chuck norris was experimented on his hollowazation was taken away but became far more powerfull. he got a zanpakuto thats kind of like a light saber. he set of into space. his body also got mutated in the procces. we will remember you always chuck norris....*
Vote for one, duh.
Mispellings and grammar errors are not my concern since Im not these peoples BETA's(person who fixes those mistakes)
Preferably read all of them so you can vote fairly but that is your choice, I merely want my dear writer prodigies to all have a chance:P
Entry 1:
Forgotten Beneath the Ice
Chapter 1, Part 1, Section 2: The Mistaken Mortuary
Mikazuki wakes up to the annoying, mechanical chime of his **** He switches it off and gets up when Bella bursts into the room. She looks around, alarmed, and then at Mikazuki. Seeing that there was nothing in the room and then his confused expression, she blushes.
"O-oh.so there's nothing wrong?" Bella takes her hand off of her zanpakuto. "I thought there was an intruder." She looks down to hide her embarrassment.
Mikazuki laughs, "No.no.that was my alarm clock." Bella tilts her head and just stares at him. He sighs and taps his watch, "This device can tell time and has a built in alarm clock. It tells me when to wake up."
Bella nods slightly, "Oh okay then. Does it do anything else?"
Mikazuki laughs at her again. "No, it doesn't." He looks outside at the sky. It grumbles, but the rain has long stopped. "It looks like today's going to be great." He grabs his bag and rummages through it. After a few moments he pulls out a small package. Ripping the wrapping, he pulls out some kind of bread squares and begins to eat them. Mikazuki looks at Bella and offers her one.
She smiles appreciatively, but waves her hand. "No thank you. I'm not hungry." I'm not sure it would be a good idea. They probably taste as bad as the tea smells. She shudders, but her stomach growls in opposition. Mikazuki smiles, and Bella blushes again. "Oh fine!" She takes the square and takes a bite out of it. The food tastes bland and slightly salty, but it is palatable. Bella's stomach quiets, and she swallows and takes more squares. "Mmm.what are these?"
"They're called 'Thunder Rice Crackers' back home." Mikazuki bites into another cracker. "So what do you normally eat around here?"
Bella finishes another cracker, and answers. "Normally, it's a good meal of rice balls."
Mikazuki nods as he swallows the last of his food. "I love rice balls almost as much as these crackers." He gets up, and then dons the rest of his attire. Slinging his blade to his back, he looks at Bella as she swallows the last cracker. "Shouldn't we look through the squad rosters and figure out what squad I'm in?"
Bella stands up, "Yeah we probably should." She gazes through the window and sighs. Today would have been an excellent day to spend outside. She looks at the sword as he reaches to open the door. The entire weapon, about the length of a nodachi, is pitch-black. The blade shines menacingly, as though it is watching her. Bella looks away and shudders. That is just creepy. The Hell Butterfly flits past her from the windowsill. Oh great. That thing is still here. Her gaze returns to the sword. "Hey Mikazuki. What is your zanpakuto's name?"
Mikazuki turns to her, surprised at the sudden question. "Its name is Shouhi no Kurayami. Or just Shouhi if you like." A sudden whisper calls out. Bella can't quite make out the words, but Mikazuki looks to his shoulder. Mikazuki shakes his head in scorn, "Be nice and quiet, Shouhi." At Bella's confused stare, he sighs, "Never mind. Let's just get going." After opening the door, he gestures, "After you."
Bella blushes, then nods, "Thank you." She jumps on the corridor's banister overlooking the barrack's courtyard. Bella disappears, shunpoing away towards the Seireitei's library. Mikazuki stares at the now empty banister in confusion, and then looks to the left as though pinpointing Bella's new position. Quickly, he too disappears, leaving a fine haze of darkness behind.
Bella stops abruptly, sensing Mikazuki's spiritual pressure disappear. What's going on? He couldn't have just vanished into thin air. Turning around, she almost collides with him as he expels from the shadows. Bella jumps, "Oh my god!" Catching herself, she cries, "Don't sneak up on me like that!"
Mikazuki gives her a quizzical look. "I was only following you, Bella. Are we there?"
Bella opens her mouth to say something, but then just shakes her head and motions him to follow her. That was definitely weird. I must have just imagined it then. Continuing to shunpo, she keeps track of Mikazuki. Each time she shunpos and Mikazuki follows, he disappears.. Each time she looks over her shoulder, he bursts from the shadows right behind her. Bella finally gives up, and just monitors his spiritual pressure.. He's gone again. And there he is again. I can't be imagining this. What the heck is going on? Putting the thoughts aside, she finally stops at a large building. Mikazuki reappears from the shadows again. "We are here, Mikazuki."
He nods, "Then let's go inside." Mikazuki opens the door and gestures once more. "After you, Bella."
She shakes her head and steps inside. Following her, Mikazuki gazes around the many shelves, each brimming with books. With stairs rising up above and down below, the library seems vast despite the close arrangement of the shelves. The scribe approaches the two, "Can I help you?"
"Yes. We are looking for the squad rosters." Bella pulls Mikazuki after the scribe as he leads them among the passages. After a short while the scribe stops at a set of shelves.
"Here you go. Every squad roster for the Thirteen Court Guard Squads is recorded here."
Bella and Mikazuki both sigh regrettably. Mikazuki shakes his head, "Well, we've got to get started somewhere." He pulls out stacks of books and sets them on a large desk. Opening one of them, he begins reading and Bella follows suit.
The Hell Butterfly flits toward the Squad Nine barracks. Flying through an open window, the insect lands on an outstretched finger. The butterfly flashes in a complete sheen, and images can be seen in the reflection. A man's smooth, weary voice sounds amused, "So he's finally returned." Another voice, this one older, joins in.
"This is unprecedented, Sensei. The Inoyaiba boy is supposed to be presumed dead." The speaker pauses, continuing after a few moments. "Should we do something?"
The first voice replies, "Not for now, Wu. We'll wait and see how this develops." There is a long pause before the other speaks again.
"As you wish. What will we do until then?" Curiosity fills the ancient voice.
"Contact Kimiko and the others. Tell them to get into position.. I have something to attend." There is a rustling inside as someone stands. Not waiting for an expected question, the voice continues, "I'm giving the good news to Naomi and Saiyoko."
The second replies, "As you wish." A withered, but strong, hand reaches out the window to let the Hell Butterfly loose again. It flits off in the library's direction, as though already ordered to do so. Shadows also crawl out of the window and down the building's surface. They scatter in random directions quickly. A door opens from inside and, after the shuffling of robes and feet, is closed again.
Night has fallen, the starry sky twinkling over the Seireitei. Inside the library, Mikazuki and Bella have searched through almost a quarter of the squad rosters.. Neither has eaten since morning, although the stench of Mikazuki's herbal tea wanders the various tomes. Bella reluctantly stays through a force of will, although it would seem she wouldn't mind falling asleep either.
"You have to be kidding me! We've read fifty-seven ledgers and not one of them even mention the name Inoyaiba!" Bella falls back into her chair after tossing another squad roster aside. "I don't think we are going to find anything, Mikazuki!"
Mikazuki is deeply engrossed in reading. After closing the book and picking up another, he answers. "We'll check a few more and then call it quits for tonight. If you want we'll continue tomorrow." He takes a drink of his tea, and then tosses an unopened bottle to Bella. "You need something to keep you on your feet."
Bella wrinkles her nose at the smell. "Thanks, but no thank you. I'm not that thirsty." She hands it back to him. I don't want to go into a coma just yet. She returns to her seat and sighs. Picking up another book, Bella begins to read. After looking through a few pages, she calls out from behind her pile of books, "Mikazuki! I found it!"
"Really!?" He runs over to Bella's side and reads over her shoulder. "Inoyaiba, Mikazuki. Placed in the Fourth Division of the Special Forces." His voice trails off, a concerned frown set into his lips. Bella continues reading, and then gawks at the page.
"K.I.A.." Bella falls silent as well. Perplexed, the two stare at the works set in ink. "They don't make these things up, Mikazuki." She bites her lip nervously, uncertain of Mikazuki's blank expression.
Mikazuki suddenly gets excited, "Look at the date! That's ten years ago!"
Bella starts, and then calms. "How is that significant?"
A smile plays on his lips, "That's around the time that I woke up back home!"
"Say what?!" The expression on Bella's face is absolutely confounded. "You're saying you woke up in the World of the Living?!"
Mikazuki nods solemnly. "That means someone was mistaken. Or someone lied and covered something up."
Bella is horrified at the thought. That can't be right! A Soul Reaper couldn't have done that! Taking a quick breath, she finally speaks. "It probably was a mistake, then."
Mikazuki takes the book from her and turns it over in his hands. "It's a squad mortuary. I don't think they're careless when they list someone as dead."
Bella catches her breath. No! That isn't true! Her look frantic, she searches her mind for answers. It doesn't mean it was a Soul Reaper. It could've been something else. Pleased with this thought, Bella closes the book and sets it down. "We will think about that tomorrow. Let's just get back to the barracks and get some sleep."
Mikazuki nods with satisfaction and finishes his tea. "And maybe we'll gain more insight into who I am and what I was doing." Leaving the library, the pair heads off into the night towards the Squad Three barracks. Bella still monitors Mikazuki's presence as she shunpos. There he goes. And there he is again. She laughs lightly to herself. What a strange person. I'm not that surprised anymore, him being in the Special Forces.
When they arrive back on the second level of the barracks, Mikazuki bids Bella goodnight and heads into his room. The Hell Butterfly rests on the windowsill, adjusting its wings when he enters. Mikazuki rummages through his pack and retrieves some Thunder Fist Crackers and the handheld device. The machine calls out again in its dull, metal tone. "Memory recovery progression has advanced five-point-five percent. Memory recovery is currently at ten-point-five percent."
Mikazuki sighs in approval, "About time you started working." He looks at the hilt behind his shoulder. "We were right, Shouhi. Coming here was a good idea."
The blade replies in a ghostly whisper. Yes we were, Mikazuki. Although I find the amount of memory you've recovered dissatisfactory.
Mikazuki scowls, "It's better than nothing at all, Shouhi."
The sword retorts in a disembodied hiss. True, Mikazuki, but ten years in the human world has dulled you. I can tell you were much better than this before we woke up.
"That's enough and good night." Mikazuki sets the blade aside and looks out the window. Seeing the butterfly, he smiles. "Hello, my little friend. You missed a long and interesting day." The butterfly only adjusts its wings again in response. Mikazuki nods, "I guess you had a long day, too. Then I guess we'll have another tomorrow, friend. Good night."
Mikazuki lies down on his bedding and falls slowly to sleep. After a while the soft lull of his snores are heard. The butterfly shines again with a bright luster, and becomes dark again. Shouhi, resting against the wall close by, sighs amusedly. That's something you don't see every night. The blade falls silent and Mikazuki continues sleeping.
A few rooms over, Bella slowly paces her room. Her expression is worried. Anyone could have made a mistake or falsified information. Her thoughts only trouble her more as her doubts push back her resolve. But what if it was a Shinigami? She shudders at the thought again. Her zanpakuto, hanging at her side, speaks in a coldly energetic voice.
It will be okay, Bella. Like you said it could be anyone. We will figure something out. The zanpakuto's words are encouragingly soothing. Bella smiles gratefully at her blade.
"Thank you, Hisshiryu." She looks through the window; the night sky is dark and chilly. "I should really get some sleep. Good night."
Hisshiryu crackles in agreement and Bella rests it next to her bedding. Lying down, Bella falls into a light sleep. Hidden by a passing overcast, a shadow slinks in unnoticed.. Finding a dark corner, it sinks into the darkness. Although no distinct form is discernable, the shadow seems to be watching Bella carefully. Through the window a person can be seen, a smile playing on the wrinkled face. As unnoticeable as the shadow, the person nods and then disappears into the night air.
To Be Continued.
Forgotten Beneath the Ice Chapter 1, Part 1, Section 3: A Fleeting Reunion
Entry 2:
*all espadas and arrancars and hollows appeaer in one room*
Syazel: Alright everyone I have made a telleporter we will no get to go to the gotei 13
*everyone teleports*
*appers in gotei 13*
Syazel: this is it
*Yamamoto appears*
*press teleporter button and everyone disappears*
*Syazel at hudco mundo*
I think Gamer (new soul reaper recruit) would like to join this. Also Aizen. I'm about to do something that will be your new job. So watch it like it your job. sfkm2
Will do
How about a writers gallery?:o People send fics to me and I update thread with it when they PM them to me:P
@Gamer7625: Rules in first post , yada yada
Imma die if this whether stays hot...
*goes to Kuchikis house*
@Senpai: Couldn't find u...my name says Marika Missanime so add me:)0
reason...I'd sound b****y so wont bother giving reason...
I should've been less blunt probably...
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