Oh noes, us captains will be wanted. :o-Katsuri-*Cross, Kisuke, and Kuchiki staring at her sig*uhh....... yeah... you can say.... that.....sfkm2Look out Kat, pervs staring at your sig*giggles**Aizen stares at Miss and shakes head*
Just checked my neopets account and my gosh...I still got over 500,000 neopoints, my paintbrush gallery, my rare and painted pets, and i been a member 45 months, since July 5th, 2005 it saysO_oI stopped going there once I joined gamespot...but wow...Wait a minute...That means I should resume trying to pick up there and become a neo-millionareXDHm...if I find timeX)
DUDE! JORDAN!DUDE!I dropped out have way, so letting someone take over anit fair dude.Sides I only dropped out cause school preoccupied moi and dont wanna research anymore answers, jeeeeeez
*Points to previous post*Ehhhhh, dunno and dont think I care...Dont care bout anything right now 'cept finding someway to STOP THINKING! Gaaaaaah, its sooooo annoying, thinking about LITERALY everything...banging head on desk in hopes to pass out didn't help...just got a headache...
Poor guys....Whatever did they do wrong.-Katsuri-They were born...Oh and not enough money to move to phillidelphia so NEW PLAN:MOVE TO PHILLIDELPHIA JANUARY '10MOVE FROM MESQUITE TO ROCKWALL June '09(MHS SUXS! If people at my school heard that I'd be dead>_>)I could care less.And again I proved Im smarter than my sister since I used words she didn't know...Not even mom understands me sometimes>_>
Anyone can enter, as long as they can design of course.-Katsuri-Not trueI sux at designing compared to others but entered anyway...*points at sig and avvie as example*
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