OI! What have I gotten myself into...Going to moms work, they doing a charity thing for some kids hospital(the one I went to when I was 5 and broke my arm) and mom said:"If you act up you'll be grounded til July 1st! Is that clear!?" Soooooo I have to be on my best behavior-_-I should've choose to stay home>.>
I have so many things I can do...yet I feel so bored.-Katsuri-Preoccupy yourself...Im not real bored since Im organizing YLU right now>_>
*Bows head* Well I hope that all of you have a good day today, I will stop by in a few hours since its sleep time for me. Yes it is daytime over here I just keep a weird schedule.dancingbeatlelol, ok.Â
[QUOTE="seker456"]yea those answers werent gooddancingbeatle That's what I thought who the heck would willingly want to have that many kids? *Walks back outside*I know right? [QUOTE="missanimefan"]Oh seker! Hi! How are ya:P seker456im good you? Doing well since stuff is finally out of the trailer and we've moved into a cool apartment:P
yea those answers werent goodseker456YeahOh seker! Hi! How are ya:P *Halibel walks in, accidently kicks seker to the China*See you later, seker :twisted:arline6O_O-_-O_OHiya Halibel, how are ya?
[QUOTE="-Katsuri-"]Foxy's always on the scene in these birthdays....wonder how much he gets paid.Anyways, happy birthday. :P rocketfox129A lot!*dances sensually in a thong in front of Gin as his b-day gift*:P LMAO!Careful! He might shoot you>.>
Hi there Miss, did you get my little reference there?dancingbeatleI think so I vote the first option! :DThough 10 babies is not nearly enough >_>rocketfox129I dont like any those answers>.> lol, you crazy
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