I'll only respond to some of these, because many of them require the same response.
i dont like bad graphics The Wii's graphics aren't bad. In fact, they are twice as good as the GC. They may not be as good as the graphics on the 360 or PS3, but the Wii makes up for that by being only $250 and having more exclusive games (when games are easier to make, there are effectively more games)
ihate kiddie games Unfortunately, this is purely opinion. You could be describing anything that isn't rated Mature. Of course, a Mature rating doesn't necessarily make a game great, nor does the lack thereof make it a kiddie game.
i get bored of easy reptitive minigames Then don't buy WarioWare or Mario Party. Just stick with Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda, and/or Resident Evil. You could also get some old classic games from the Wii shop channel.
i like adult mature next gen stories/music/graphics that look an seem lifelike like ratedR-XXXmovies It almost sounds like you are the type who only likes Gears of War simply because of the naked girls in bed. Good graphics will only satisfy someone for so long. Ultimately, it is gameplay that will be the issue.
i like FPS/JRPG/MMORPG's I don't even know what that stands for, so I won't get into that.
im a mature adult who likes to be challenged and feel next gen experiences No response
i think gimmicks are lame an do not belongin a console or a controller The Wii remote is not a gimmick, it is simply a differently designed controller for a differently designed console. Different isn't always bad. Besides, with the nunchuck attachment, it actually feels like a normal controller, except for the fact that you can spread your arms apart relaxingly.
i did not buy a gamecube or n64 and only played my yougner brothers an friends gc an n64 the games were ok but nothin i would ever pay for myself No response
i like a wide range of games especiallyt the big blockbusters like metal gears/halo's/ff's No response
i love the big third party franchise games that are so awesome titles that usually the system tht sells themost software gets an rival first party exclusives No response
convince me to shell out 250 on a wii GO
I'm surprised that you would shell out 400-500 on a video game console simply for its graphics and mature ratings.
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