It truly has FAILED. Becuase the evidence is in and it's VERY CLEAR that the general consumer just don't give a RATZZZZZ AZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
By the time people even care or think they are ready there will be a far better format out that offers more like 1440P with like 500gig of space."
^This is what lets me know he is referring to HD movies in general losing the war. I mean if Blu-ray is going to be passed up, then so the heck would be HD DVD.
"It seems that the HD DVD people have the right idea just taking it slow and see what happens before they pump a bunch of money and marketing and trying to force consumer to think they need this stuff."
^This I think he meant to say HD DVDs in general, not specifically HD-DVD the format. Consumers for this market right now are up on technology and know that sales aren't very good and that it may not be worth their money at the moment. That DVD already gives them enough for what they need. I think thats the point he is making.
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