We have all had time to digest the startling price of the PS3 upon release, and its a damn good thing Sony announced the price early on, many are getting over the shock including myself and now concentrating on the potential of the system as opposed to the price. I am not a brand fanboy, but a gaming fanboy, I will go with whatever fulfills my needs best and to the end I will try to make this as objective as possible.
It seems people are generally reluctant to splash out on things that are not included within their system beyond memory cards and remote controls. Accessories not included within a bundle have generally failed to excite the industry; mice, keyboards and the PS2 hard drive. Mice and keyboards didn't pick up for one reason, product differentiation. The last thing publishers want to do is try to tackle PCs, they will lost and it is too costly. With these accessories a console becomes a computer that receives an upgrade once every 6 years, not great by PC standards. As for the hard drive, if it was USB enabled and you could connect your own drive then we could have seen much more support, though this is not my point of discussion here.
Today I came across the announcement from Microsoft regarding its $199 HD-DVD add on. It is not the most beautiful thing around and will take up vital space with can be better utilised by other consoles and when thought about properly, one can conclude that it brings up the price of the X360 to equivalent levels to those of the PS3 except the PS3 manages to pull it off within one package with higher specs.
While Sony plans to sell the PS3 as a complete package, Microsoft sold the X360 in pieces, a smart decision since it means you can upgrade slowly but not so when the console prices fall in 3 years unless they manage to integrate the drive as part of the X360. Sony are arrogant we all know that, their momentum seems to be on the rise now and that's good. I would hate to see the PS3 trailing by a large margin.
Any gamer worth their mettle would know platform exclusives make or break a system, they are the system sellers. Both companies have some great intellectual property on their hands either in-house or 3rd party. As of now, I think the race will be closer than envisaged in the aftermath of the late E3.
According to a senior in Sony, he expects this generation to last for 10 years, enough time to recoup their initial investment, and gives them more time until they start developing the PS4, less cost, everyone is happy. PS2 is still developing as we speak and I maintain that this generation has come far too early, there is still juice left in the original Xbox and the PS2 but no harm done I suppose, it will still be good to see the next generation.
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