hey i have been struggling with bluray for a while and i finally got a great set but i did learn some great tips along the way so here they are. first, stick to the main brands of TVs. brands such as sony, samsung, and panasonic are great. i bought some cheaper tvs that sucked so i just took them back. second, get a better hdmi cord. the quality of picture can only get as good as the cord your feeding it with. im not saying to go and buy a $300 rocketfish cord, but the $80 ps3 cord is great. third, you dont need someone to come over and calibrate your tv. i can actually be kinda fun if can do it right. just set the main setting as the one that gives you the most options, for example samsung has "movie", and play with all the settings as you see fit. fourth, not all blurays are going to look amazing. napoleon dynamite isnt going to be as great as say trasformers or the matrix. fifth, when looking for a tv, dont buy a tv based on the little things. like 120hz is cool, but if the tv is $300 more than one that doesnt have it, then forget about it. look for a good contrast ratio, something with a great color balance, and then look at 120hz. a great contrast ratio for a 1080p tv should be around or above say 20-25,000. sixth, surround sound is worth EVERY PENNY if your going for a home theater feel. even when i play video games i still get the chills down my spine when i play fear or something because the sound is so awesome. and you dont have to fork out the big bucks on a bose or anything. i have a sony set that i got for $200 and it has worked like a dream. and finally, watch IGN's video on youtube about changing the settings on your ps3. they have some great advice for those of us who are extremely "technical". please learn from my mistakes. i spent a lot of time and money screwing it all up by buying cheap tv's and accessories. and in this business, you get exactly what you pay for.
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