The editor that did this review is more unattractive than the character models in the game...and the character models in this game are not "Unattractive"...This game is AMAZING.
Gamespot is great at reviews...but this one....ok...but It deserves a little higher of a score. And as for in the they rate Darksiders I a 7.8...but they rate DS 2 a 7.5???? WTF??
@popping4it No Racism...but she shouldn't subtract 2 points..when the only bad thing she could say is complaining about basically the graphics....that;s insane
@BladeStrike1234 I understand that...but you can level up fast in games...and the AI should be harder the higher you level up...seems in games once u reach a certain level...the AI is a joke....
monks99's comments