Prob just depends on the person and there sleeping habits. I usualy play for a few hours before bed, and yeah sometimes I can sleep because I just keep thinging about the game.
I had one crap out too. and yeah, the wireless one isn't very good. i wish they would make the wireless mic fit just like the wired one. i have thought about trying to dismantle my wireless mic and rebuild it using a standard headset. that way the microphone part would be where it should be, in front of your mouth.
so the qualifying rounds are going on right now... anyone know how they are choosing who goes on to the next round? would a person have to play 24/7 till the 17th inorder to have a chance? that doen't say you are the best, it just says you have the most time. or is it based on your adverage k/d spred or number of wins? not that I even have a chance of getting in, im just wondering.
No i didn't see that, but its cool to know. I just finnished portal 2 days ago and I can't stop telling people how awesome it is. Prob sound like a broken record, play portal, play portal, ya gotta play portal, play portal.
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