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#1 moohan
Member since 2006 • 867 Posts
[QUOTE="monson21502"] they cant afford to do that anymore... they cant sit back and copy anything.. sony has to do their own thing to blow us away.... they dont have all the 3rd party support to their selvs anymore like they did with ps1 and ps2. they have to earn it now..... not try to copy nintendo with sixasix control then try to copy it again with scapped move project. after seeing ms brought in motion controls the day before.. sony can show and promise all they want when they show off the ps4. but you gotta think even the most hard core sony fans boys will talk everything they say with a grain of salt. if they want the ps4 to sell they are gonna have to prove it is as good as they say it is.

I do agree with some of your points, what I am saying is what if this gen they instead sit back and observe? Instead of over promising and being the arrogant company we have known, they sit back learn from the other two companies and release the PS4 in 2014 that addresses all of the PS3 problems along with any future Wii-U and Nextbox problems..... would they be right back in the fight? Or would it already be too late? What if the Wii-U underwhelms and the Nextbox isn't that significant of a step forward?....
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#2 moohan
Member since 2006 • 867 Posts
Why does everyone instantly think that this is a "bad" decision by Sony? (IF it is even true). What if instead they are actually using their minds and are trying to recover. Sony has emphatically said many times that the PS3 is going to be around for 10 years and so let's assume this is true. They let the Wii-U and the "Nextbox" be launched within the next few years, sit back survey the market, and see what the consumers are buying into and what they are not. They then can use that research to put the finishing design touches on their system and possibly release a more powerful system after Nintendo and MS with all of the +'s and non of the -'s to those systems. Basically, I think this could actually be a very smart move for Sony if they handle it the right way. Could it be a risk to give another head start to MS and Nintendo? Sure. Could that risk payoff big time?? Definitely.
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#3 moohan
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Well, I guess I am in the huge minority here because I actually enjoyed the demo. I actually even thought it looks better *gasp* than the original, with draw distances MUCH improved, the world redefined, and the new zombie characters and weapons are also all pluses. Brought back a lot of the feelings and love I had for the first one, super pumped for this to come out in a few weeks. Not surprised most of you hate on it though, considering most of you probably love GTA whereas I thought it was most of the adjectives that you have used to explain C2. Either way, once again it all comes down to OPINIONS and mine is different than yours.
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#4 moohan
Member since 2006 • 867 Posts
I just upgraded to a new X360 slim yesterday. Only cost me $16, thanks Gamestop! Anyway, I played Gears online for about 2 hours and then played Snoopy single player for 1-2 hours then online for about an hour yesterday, all the while my apartment was anywhere from 80-84oF. Not once did the system slow down, seem affected by the heat, or give me the warning that Kuu had encountered. System was warm, but did not overheat or even give me a warning. Get over yourselves haters.
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#5 moohan
Member since 2006 • 867 Posts
Compare their libraries, mainly the exclusives, and decide from there. If you are a big single player type of gamer then the PS3 might be for you. If you are more of a highly multiplayer type of gamer (who doesn't mind paying ~$50 a year for online gaming) then the 360 may be the way to go. Ultimately the choice is yours. Personally I started this gen with the 360 and have loved it since. I picked up a PS3 when the slim came out and got MGS4, God of War Collection, and God of War 3 with it. Although I enjoy these games, overall I have found myself using my PS3 more as a blu ray player than anything else. Hoping that some of the newer games slated to come out get me to use the system more but who knows.
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#6 moohan
Member since 2006 • 867 Posts

Didn't MS say that their E3 conference was going to be better than last years?

And then what happened?

Yeah, Fool me once.......

Completely agree.... although I do believe that they realized that they were the weakest of the three, I don't think it was as awful as some claim but it was not up to par to say the least. Hopefully they will bounce back with a good showing. I too am skeptical and will keep the hype low.
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#7 moohan
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Well hell if this thread really is going to go on for as long as it is, might as well put my 2 cents in. First off, wow just wow at the fact people are bashing MS for a disk drive... really?? You hate the system that much?? DON'T BUY IT OR PAY ANY ATTENTION TO IT. Oh and all you Sony fanboys out there that are bashing the disk drive, I bet you would have been the same type of people who would have been freaking out and clamining "ownage" had MS gone to a slot loading drive. Would have been all over these boards claiming the "slim" 360 with built in wifi, glossy black finish, and a slot loading drive is just a PS3!!!! Get over yourselves and stop bashing a system because of a DISK DRIVE!
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#8 moohan
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Although I have to admit I am very disappointed in MS's conference and "Kinect", thought it would be a lot better than it was, however I do not blame the casual or gimick nature of the motion controls as to why the conference was so hoe hum. Obviously have to wait until Sony gets done with their conference, but if theirs is centered on 1st party games and motion controls like MS's, I think I might have a rational explanation. I truly believe that the conference was so underwhelming because of the trend of MULTIPLATS, not motion controls. Hear me out. With studios such as Insominac, Bungie, Kojima Prod., Square-Enix, etc. etc. concentrating more and more on making their games multiplatform the time of true exclusives is coming to a close. Although MS did announce the partnership with Crytek and I am sure Sony will have a few up their sleeves, could it possibly be that beyond the obvious cash in on the motion control gimick mentality, that companies are almost forced to rely on them to create excitement due to the lack of true exclusivity? Just my two cents....
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#9 moohan
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[QUOTE="moohan"]I would agree with most posts on this thread, thinking back on it WOW co-op has taken off and some sick games that incorporate it very well, but I haven't noticed any love for Lost Planet 2. I know I know, the game made ZERO sense and was extremely hard to follow, but playing that game on co-op was insanely fun. The bosses were some of the biggest I have seen in a game and the game actually had a nice mix of weapons, grenades, and mechs. Definitely had a great time playing that game.Lable1985
If lost planets controls were changed a bit I'd be inclined have fun with that game.

I agree sometimes it was a bit frustrating, but I don't know I enjoyed the different feel of the game in comparison to other TPS, maybe it is the upper and lower body separation. Only thing that really frustrated me was the lack of being able to grapple in the air and the inability to break out of the pre-scripted animations.
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#10 moohan
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I agree that I personally do not see the draw to play on a handheld, but obviously we are not the majority. The numbers they have sold is staggering. But here are 3 quick reasons why. 1). People travel and like to game. Handhelds allow this to happen. 2). Price. Believe it or not there are a lot of people out there who cannot afford the "real" systems and home theater systems. 3). (NOT JUST but a huge factor). KIDS. Parents love to keep their kids occupied and happy. What better way then handheld gaming. Lost track of how many times I have been in public and seen 2+ kids with parents that are glued to their DS's while the parents do their thing. Great way to keep the kids calm and again goes back to point number 2. Parents don't want to pay $60 a game when they can pay $20-30. Speaking to point 3, it is scary how everyday we as a society come closer and closer to the society depicted in Wall-E. Obsessed with our cell phones, iPods, and handheld gaming devices.