People stop me on the streets frequently and ask "Moonco, why do you like PlayStation?" I sign my autograph and say "because it has an amazing selection of games from different genres like JRPGs." They wish all the best and we go are separate ways.
I was driving around the neighborhood looking for the ice cream trunk that keeps ringing the damn bell without ever stopping when out of nowhere, a kid darts into the road on his bicycle. I slammed on the breaks but it was too late - the front side of the van knocked him to the ground.
His freckle face friend named Larry came over and we both checked on the kid. He only had a scraped knee thank goodness. Turns out, he was playing Pokemon Go and peddled into the road without even looking. I spanked him and said go home. Hope he doesn't tell his mom on me.
@smokerob79: Absolutely! I can drive around the neighborhood blasting a 1000 watt amp through speakers attached to the van telling people not buy VR but I've been very busy lately like baking strawberry frosted cupcakes for my friends or hanging at the beach checking out the guys
AM2 was the best developer in the world. Nice to see many of designers teaming up again....and after Shemue 3 is done they better make Virtua Fighter 6 or a new Outrun
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