What a beast! However, the most important thing are the games and right now MS just doesn't have enough of the ones I like compared to those available on PS4 or Wii U
I liked MS presentation because they focused on the games while keeping the corporate chit chat to a minimum. I have no interest listening to some six figure money man talk about the # of consoles sold or how great they are. Just keep your pie hole shut and show the games.
With that said, none of the games gave me that "wow" moment and what is the deal with Windows 10 exclusive? It would be really cool if MS supported their older OS like Windows 7.
Annoying main character (especially the English voice acting) all but killed this one for me. The guy is like one of those bros who bathes himself in Axe body and hair gel while trying to be hip listening to music on Beats drinking coffee at Starbucks lol. Hopefully there is a Japanese voice option.
Moonco's comments