Times has sure changed. I remember just three years ago Big Phil was in full damage control telling us Halo 5 lacked split screen due to technical reasons and marketing trends. None of that was true of course, resulting in another PR fiasco for Microsoft.
Halo has been in rapid decline ever since Bonnie took the throne. I find her nomination questionable when we have more talented woman like Rieko Kodama, who became the most successful female game designer in Japan and the first to hold a senior position at a time when women in most companies were not even allowed in the same room as the design team. She helped break down barriers and inspired generations of female developers. Maybe Bonnie Ross got inducted for her management skills b/c it's certainly not for the quality of the games.
@boardsport311: Sorry you feel that way about me boardsort. The mods enforce the Code of Conduct and rest assure, we treat everyone equally and fairly. Please visit the "Ask the Mods" forum if you have any questions for us.
5000 years from now aliens from another dimension will descend upon Earth and start excavating to learn about our extinct civilizations. They will eventually find a small black box with the initials 'PS4' and realize "greatness awaits" them.
The PS4 is a technical marvel the likes of which we have never seen before and it puts a smile on my face knowing that after we destroy ourselves in a nuclear holocaust, a new intelligent lifeform will someday experience the almighty PS4 we have the privilege of enjoying today.
Moonco's comments