oooh, I love this already. You PC morons need to learn something, Microsoft made your operating system, Windows, remember that? Oh and another thing, Microsoft made the 360. Woah! Wait a minute here, does that mean that people who bash xbox saying that PC's are better are morons? Yes, yes it does. Also to mention one more thing, unless by PC you mean piece of crap then the obvious thing is that the computer will pretty much always have better connection, why? Because it is connected better, I mean the internet came out on computers way before consoles so who had more time? Actually, I think I will stop there, I don't want millions of PC nerds who live in their mother's house in the attic telling me how wrong I am and that they are right, well they might be seeing as though their lives are wasted.
Huh, that's funny, the Wii is a current console now, and the PS4 is going to beat the Wii, well I don't doubt you when you say it will. But I bet the Wii 2 will kick the crap out of the PS4 when it does come out. Not to mention that right now it is a rock bottom in terms of sales not to mention that the only reason it is even contending with the others is because Sony sells other products and Microsoft is helping it. Why is Microsoft helping you ask? Because it turns out business people would rather a third party be on the bottom instead of two parties with one on the bottom. But in all honesty it is the way of Microsoft to be in the middle, I mean just look at the last console war, what happened? Sony was on top, then came Microsoft and lastly came Nintendo, and it wasn't by a magic fairy did all the hard hitting Gamecube games end up on the xbox as well as new ideas came to Nintendo out of nowhere. So really, just stop, you PS3 nerds depress me with your arguments and don't even bring up the PS2 because remember, we are in a new console war now.
The simple fact of the matter is that xbox live has money and the Playstation Network doesn't. In time Sony will have to charge its users because otherwise the servers will be too crappy because of the lack in funding. Sony hopes that free internet interaction through the PS3 will rally users to it, but since Halo 3 and COD4 came out we have seen Sony's devastating failure in that department. Currently Sony is shifting its eyes away from Microsoft (no doubt due to the fact that sony is being helped by Microsoft by the new games it has gotten) and is focussing on Nintendo. But I digress; more to the point Sony's network will need money soon or you will start to see a difference in the quality of their connection and speed that is supposed to compete with Xbox Live.
I can't stress enough my contempt for the Halo series and the nerds that swarm to its defense. But in all honesty it was ranked right up there with COD4. But of course the problem with supporting Halo 3 in this forum is that COD4 is currently winning the poll by a land slide.
honestly this should be a very easy decision once you know a few facts. Gears of War is fun, sure but once you have beaten the game and gotten most of the achievements you look at xbox live. Once you do that for about a month the game gets really boring because pretty much all the players have the same tactics in terms of what to do and this makes things worse since the weapon choice is little to none. COD4 is like most realistic shooters in the way that it won't get boring for a good long time on live.
Actually I strongly disagree, although I am no fan of the Halo series in any way. This time Bungie managed make it so that the game didn't have any huge plot holes like in the other games. Also features like forge are revolutionary ideas that will most likely be in other games. To be honest it deserves its standing (although I may not like it) and should be at least respected for what will come from it, I mean think for a moment, itwasHalo after all that made xbox live popular.
Honestly, although I am no real fan of Halo I strongly disagree. The story line (for once) did not have any huge plot holes and the game play was rather fun. To be blunt the Halo series is not at all what it is cracked up to be and inspires idiots and ten year olds to play on xbox live. As for the books, come on now really? I mean what video game needs a book to make up for its extreme lack of interesting plot. But to end this small rant I will just say, no I really don't care what you flaming morons think and I will probably not read your retarded posts defending Halo like the mindless sheep that you are.
Honestly I am a big fan of the games that people don't think about. So honestly I am going to go with Clive Barker's Jericho or Bioshock. I was amazed at the perfect blend of scifi and shooting that addicted me in the first five minutes. I have yet to write a review for Bioshock but I will very soon.
If scary includes sadism and torture then hands down I would say Bioshock. That game is far more twisted then any i've played. Doom three honestly is better on the computer then the xbox because of the lack of control and more freedom to move around, well at least it was that way more me. Oh and barbie, that left me scarred for life.
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