Name: Crimson Angels
Leader: Morganmn
Leader's friend code: 0387-8791-9402
members who can join:83
motto: The Crimson Angels hold there swords up high,
With guns a blazing and fists that fly,
prepare for hell, be ready to die!
You better join quick because we only have 83 spaces left with 6 pending. Also every week I will update you with who is in the Crimson Angels and how much room we have left. If you do join please make sure you have all the Crimson Angel's friend codes.
I will be going online every Friday at 4:00 Eastern slandered time to play online games: this weeks is Super street fighter IV 3d edition. We will be playing Mario kart 7 in December.
Ash- 1118-0364-6185
I recommend you take all the friend codes, but you don,t have to. If the person doesn't respond in a week to your friend request delete them off your friends list.
morganmn Blog
Crimson Angels 3DS group
by morganmn on Comments
Name: Crimson Angels
Leader: Morganmn
Leader's friend code: 0387-8791-9402
members who can join:87
motto: The Crimson Angels hold there swords up high,
With guns a blazing and fists that fly,
prepare for hell, be ready to die!
This is a group for anyone who wants to have fun online with there 3DS.
You better join quick because we only have 87 spaces left. Also every week I will update you with who is in the Crimson Angels and how much room we have left. If you do join please make sure you have all the Crimson Angel's friend codes.
Saturday 3ds play times
by morganmn on Comments
Hello all 3DS owners, I am starting something called Saturday 3DS play Times. Saturday 3DS Play Times is a get together tipe thing where all 3DS owners get together online on Saturday at around 4:00p.m(Canada time) to play video games with each other. Basically I tell everyone what game I have that has online and my friend code for my 3DS and every Saturday from 4:00p.m-5:00 P.M. we will all play that game with each other. The only way this will work though is if we all exchange friend codes . I will start, my name is Morgan and my friend code is:0387-8791-9402. If you register me tell me your friend code by message or comment. The Online game right now is Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition. Lets have some fun shall we?
Making a Videogame website
by morganmn on Comments
Hey guys I would like to get your opinion on a very important matter. I have decided to make a Video Game website and I need your help for ideas. I have come up with a name for the website and stuff but I want your opinion as I have previously said. I am going to name the website Game Dragonz, I think its a great name, but my Dad thinks some gamers might think its offenceive; please tell me if you like it or if you want the name to be changed. I also thought I would call the group vlog Dragonz Den, the podcast Flamethrower, I would rispond to your comments in Into the Inferno, and whn when only one persone is doing a vlog I would call it Fire Proof.
I was thinking about the comunity and I figured I would let you guys do everything that you can do on Gamespot and Destructoid for free. I was also thinking of having a paid subscription of $10 every month, if you paid the subcription fee you would be able to make video blogs, video reviews, and the abillity to trade videogames with other people. If you think I should add anything to the paid subscription or the free subscription comment below. Actualy if you have any questions or ideas comment below
IF there was only one Videogame Company
by morganmn on Comments
Imagine if there was only one videogame company, would this be a good thing or bad thing? Mabey it would be a good thing. If Sony and Micrococ joined with Nintendo there would be uter peace in the galaxy. No more would you have to buy a two difrent systems inorder to play Zelda and Uncharted, no more trolling or angry gamers yelling at each other. All we will have to complane about is videogames... not videogame companys.
On the downside though... if this one company gives us crapy devices to play are games on, we are in for a wourld of HURT. Imagine if we had to play all are games on a I-pod like device because this company thought touch screens were the future. It would be like eating steak out of a dog bowl covered in $hit. Do you think it would be good having only one Videogame Company, or do you think it is a terrible terrible idea? I will post your answers in my next Blog.
Why I hate the PSVita!
by morganmn on Comments
The PSVita is a discusting handheld, It is like mixing chocolate with $hit, and making it look nice. I use to think Sony new what thay were doing with the PSVita, but no more. First off is that they are trying to copy every handheld in existense, they only made a touch screen on the front so you could play all your I Pod games like Fruit ninja with it. There is no way the touch screen will be used for any real games. No hardcore player will ever want there giant thumb infront of there screen, it makes no logical scence to add somthing that would only be used a couple times. The NGP is a compleat re-hash, it has nothing new togive you, all it does is steal original abilities from other home consoles; It steals the graphics from thePS3, the analog sticks from controlers, the touch screen from the DS and Ipad, the touch pad from laptops and the cameras from the DSI. This thing is just a copy-cat, and a bad one too. Hasn`t anyone learned from experience that the feeling of good grphical power goes away after the 1st day? This thing is going to be pointless to have at home or on the go; since it`s just like thePS3 no one is going to play it at home, and since the batery life is so bad no one is going to be able to play it on the go. This leaves the NGP doomed to live a life in dust. (On the other hand, nobody ever gets tired of 3D efects...well I dont.)Lets say that the NGP turns out to be a beutiful system, the developers will probly have no time to suport it because they are too busy making games for the 3DS, PS3, X-box, PSP phone, 3DSware, Wiiware, and the Ipod; by the time the NGP comes out everyone will have one of these things, causing developers to ignore the NGP. The 3DS however has all new material,and fixes all the DS` original problems. Some people might think that 3D is just a gimik because they have watched alot of 3D movies, and none have impressed them, but 3D on the 3DS is not the same as in the movies, let me explane. 3D at the movies is the way it is because film makers always think of the people whaching 2D while making the movie, this causes 3D movies to be much lamer than it whould have been. On top of that is the fact that enimes in movies never shoot bullets at you, they always shoot it at the main character or someone in the movie.... this prevents bullets from flying out of the screen in 3D. How do I know that 3D in the movies won`t be like the 3D on the 3DS? I know this from experience with the 3DS itself.The NGP looks sleek, and the 3DS looks coo,l but only the 3DS has something new to give me. The NGP has a touch screen and a touch pad, but I already have been playing touch contorled games for 4 years and it is already avalible on the DS, 3DS, Ipod, Ipad, and most phones. So I have had my fill on touch screen games. The 3DS has 3D with no glasses, wich I have never experienced berfore. Not to mention that the AR reality games and motion control look awsome and fun. The graphics on theNGP look as good as on the PS3, butall I need in graphical power is for the games to look beter than the WII`s. The 3DS does a nice job of that. I got the anologe stick that Iwanted on the 3DS, so there is no problem there. I just cant see one good reason to get the NGP insted of the 3DS.Dont tell me the games on the NGP are better because I saw those games and I still like the 3DS. That is all I have to say on the subject, and my 3DS friend code is 0387-8791-9402, name: hunter.
A Gift from Me to you.
by morganmn on Comments
Here is a little gift of QR codesfrom me to you.
MII's I made,
Please rate!!
Nintendo Power MIIs
Also, my friend code is Hunter 0387-8791 9402
The two reasons The NGP is Killing itself.
by morganmn on Comments
I know the NGP isn`t out yet,but I can already predict that the NGP is killing itself. The first reason is that this new handheald is aiming for higher specs right? Not only has the ororiginal PSP failed at this it compleatly ruind itself with it, if the NGP wants to be a Billion dollar seller it needs to pump out the games insted of the graphics. Another thing, the 3DS kinda has atleat 1/2 the power of the NGP; even this does not mater though, because 1/2 power of the PS3 and 1/1the PS3 looks exactly the same on a small screen. This makes going for a graphical boost pointless...,but lets say the graphics on the NGPdo manige to beat the 3DS...what would HD do beat 3D? I mean 3D makes everything pop out and in to the screen with beter lighting,shading,etc. Nomater what Sony does with graphics on a handheald, unless Sony ads somthing Nntendo didn`t there dead.
The second reason that the NGP is killing itself is the amount of stuff thatSony isn`t going to use on the NGP. Shure Nintendo can use each and everyone of those gismose on the NGP,but the only reason this is possible is because Nintendo is very creative and smart company. Even if Sony uses that touchpad on the back orgro controls in there games Nintendo would have allready used those in there games since the 3DS is out and the NGP still hasn`t come out yet. Bye for now, those where my thoughts.
Death Battle!!!
by morganmn on Comments
All GameSpot users, you have been challenged to a Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Death Battle!! The Death Battle is on May 28, 2011 at 4:00 P.M- 5:00 P.M. Here are the rules:
1. you must right down my Friend code: Hunter, 0387-8791-9402
2. you must own Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition on the 3DS
4. you are not allowed touse Action reaply or R4 cheats.
5.please wright everyones friend code in the commentboxonyour3DS
6. I will tell you your time slots on May 20.
7. the mach is online, 99 seconds per round, 3 rounds, no redos.
8. Finals are on June 11, 2011
9. Winner gets full year of bragging rights.
Let the fight bagin!!!
Terms of Use Violation( I dont understand)
by morganmn on Comments
Hey guys, today i got a mesage saying I have violated the terms of use. Gamespot says I have hadDisruptive Behavior: Post-Counting
I realy dont know what this means... could somebody find out for me? It also says I am supposed to Delete Msg, but I also dont know what this means. I dont knowwhat I did to get this, I have hardly been doing anything on Gamespot. Was some mad nintendo fanboy angry at me because I said the truth about nintendo on my last blog? I dont know, but I need some help with this problem.
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