I shall start this Blog of with the disapointing sales of the Nintendo 3DS. It is a shame realy to see that a great system get throne to the curve like a peace of trash, You may think that 3.6 Million is a great number in sales, but when you get down to the nity grity it isn`t. I tell you the truth, if Nintendo didn`t have such a strong fan base, they probly would only have sold hundreds. The fact is that 3D has disapointed so many people over the past 10 years, that everyone who heres the word threeeee Deeeee wants to savagly stab someone in the back. 3D is practicaly garbadge every where else(the movies, TV, etc...) exept foron the 3DS... this means nobody trusts 3D anymore. The other problem is that the game of the year, Pokemon, just realeased a couple days on the normal DS before the 3DS came out. I no most adults dont care about pokemon, but all those kids would have easly jumped over to the 3DS ifPokemon was on it. That one blasted game can last for Months if not Years. No Kid is going have a 3DS for at least 1 Year without pokemon being on it.The last thing is that all Hardcore gamers are in thewait and see mode because only about 2Videogames are worth geting right now and the fact that the e-Shop is not Availible yet! How could Nintendo expect over over 4milion people to buythe 3DS with Street Fighter leading in alone with a bunch of1.5 games behind its back. Even babys are smarter than that! What I think is the real problem with all of this is.......... is that Nintendo is so smart there stupid:roll: They think the know everything, they dont even listen to what there fanssay until it is too late.
Now enough on that, time for the NGP. The reason I think the NGP will do bad is because nobody exept hardcore gamers willknow what it is. The 3DS tells you what it does in its name, but the NGP does not. All the casuals will do iswalk into a store and look at the NGP and say "look at this PSP"and walk away.THey will think itis a PSP because itlooks more like a PSP than the 3DS looks like theDS. That ismy opinyone for now. BYBY:evil::evil::evil::evil: From the Angry Gamer.
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