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Why almost nobody bought the 3DS, and Why Worse will hapen to the NGP!

I shall start this Blog of with the disapointing sales of the Nintendo 3DS. It is a shame realy to see that a great system get throne to the curve like a peace of trash, You may think that 3.6 Million is a great number in sales, but when you get down to the nity grity it isn`t. I tell you the truth, if Nintendo didn`t have such a strong fan base, they probly would only have sold hundreds. The fact is that 3D has disapointed so many people over the past 10 years, that everyone who heres the word threeeee Deeeee wants to savagly stab someone in the back. 3D is practicaly garbadge every where else(the movies, TV, etc...) exept foron the 3DS... this means nobody trusts 3D anymore. The other problem is that the game of the year, Pokemon, just realeased a couple days on the normal DS before the 3DS came out. I no most adults dont care about pokemon, but all those kids would have easly jumped over to the 3DS ifPokemon was on it. That one blasted game can last for Months if not Years. No Kid is going have a 3DS for at least 1 Year without pokemon being on it.The last thing is that all Hardcore gamers are in thewait and see mode because only about 2Videogames are worth geting right now and the fact that the e-Shop is not Availible yet! How could Nintendo expect over over 4milion people to buythe 3DS with Street Fighter leading in alone with a bunch of1.5 games behind its back. Even babys are smarter than that! What I think is the real problem with all of this is.......... is that Nintendo is so smart there stupid:roll: They think the know everything, they dont even listen to what there fanssay until it is too late.

Now enough on that, time for the NGP. The reason I think the NGP will do bad is because nobody exept hardcore gamers willknow what it is. The 3DS tells you what it does in its name, but the NGP does not. All the casuals will do iswalk into a store and look at the NGP and say "look at this PSP"and walk away.THey will think itis a PSP because itlooks more like a PSP than the 3DS looks like theDS. That ismy opinyone for now. BYBY:evil::evil::evil::evil: From the Angry Gamer.

The Problem with Sony

The Sony problem has been going on for a while now , but in this last week it has goten out of hand. Sony has been calling the Gameboy and all Nintendo Handhelds"babysiting toys". This is geting on my nerves because Nintendo is the company Sony steals all there ideas from. Why should we invest are money into a company thatstealsideas, and trash talks there competiters andfanboys. Lets say the whole world only bought Sony products and Nintendowent bankrupt. What would Sony do then, with no one to come up withnew ideas Sony would have toquit and give up making videogames.

Sony you need to remember that Nintendo keeps youAlive! IfNintendo whererealy trying to crush you they whould, they could easyly buy Capcom and all the other buisnises and leave you with nothing. They could slowly and painfully destroy each and every person that stands in there way.... but Nintendo isn't like that, they like everyoneand want everyone to get along, so don't I mean don't make Nintendoangry!Remember what hapend to Sega.

The next thing is whats hapening with the NGP? You have practacaly destroid it! The build is mestup. No one will ever want to playwith thetouch screenfor shooter or any "Hardcore Games":roll: your fingers whould getin the way of the action, and it would feel stupid andwierd useing the touch pad. You have allready lost Capcom to Nintendo and me to the 3DS. You lost Kingdom Hearts and areloosing your fans. If you cant beat Mario, Zelda, Pokemon,Metroid, orKid Icarus, just quit.By atleast quiting your are helping Gamers everywhere get thebest handheald of alltime..... Makeing the 3DS perfect.

Dear sony: I hate YOU!!:evil::(:cry::x:evil:

The Great Friend Blog.

This is a blog for all 3DS friend codes ever. I want you to post your Friend code, I want your Friend to post there Friend code. My vision is to make all 3DS owners on Game Spot to be linked together. There is just one rule... you must wright my friend code in to your 3DS and tell me yours. Also, please try to wright all 3DS friend Codes into your 3DS.

( I am looking for a friend who has Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition and likes to play online.)

My name: Hunter

My 3DS Friend code:0387-8791-9402


My 3DS friend code.

Hey guys, sory I haven`t been on in a while. At the End of the week I am going to reivew the 3DS, but today i am going to tell you my Friend Code. Name:Hunter; Friend code:0387-8791-9402. Please tell me your Friend cdes for the 3DS also.

Answers to your Answers 2


i really see nothing worthwhile about this new ds that merits a purchase... the only thing that i'm even remotely interested in is the AR. other than that putting a '3' in front of 'ds' isn't gonna cut it for me.

and i swear to jeebus if i see one of you fanboys that knock the ngp for having console games on the go playing oot i'm
gonna slap the thing out of your hands lol:

Hey reesespiecesftw, shut your mouth; you have no idea what you are talking about, I bet you didn`t even look into the games or improoved graphics of the 3DS! I hate people who shoot there mouth off before they look into things... did you even see that graphics look beter than the PSP or Wii, or how thatNintendois fixing every problem that waswrong with the original ds...I thought so!


Sony may have power and it may have a great backing but if the beginning lineup and support isnt enough for frontal sales then it wont do that well.However it has great many bigtime Developers working on games for it and im sure many more to come.So i think it has a decent chance at a fairly good share of the market.

The 3DS however has great charm as always and a wonderful beginning lineup(very strong).So of course it will sell and do well but not for the 3D.It will do well for its gaming, not the 3D.Most people i know or have seen(even on here) intend to turn off the 3D as soon as they get it with the 3D slider.

Anyway i wish good luck to both.So stop being fanboys and appreciate every system for that they are:

I loved WolfGrey said here, he new what he was talking about and had a good atitude about it without saying Jesus` name in vain.


@WolfGrey. wise up.

Sony's handheld strategy at the moment is completly crazy, they are trying to swamp the market with so many different devices that fall under the Playstation label. Sony's NGP may be the most powerful of the handhelds. But I really dont think Sony will have one distinct product with their new strategy that will "defeat" the DS, they will have a large market share, simply because of the range they are offering.



There is also a great point here, Sony is sending out so many devices that they are literaly fighting themselves. If Sony wants to stay in this war they will have to realese all functions on oneplatform for under $200.


Actually I'd like to predict that 3D will be a passing phase.. I honestly think it will. It's already known that cinema showings for 2D & 3D films are starting to sway towards the 2D again, but then this could be due to the extortionate prices that come with 3D? Who knows:

In one of your older coments you said that youwhere blind in your left eye, which means you havent seen3D properly, so please dont wright things like these foryour sake.

See you next time on Answers to your Answers.

Why the 3DS is beter than the NGP.

The Nintendo 3DS is beter than the Sony NGP, and I can prove It. The NGP is a compleat re-hash, it has nothing new togive you, all it does is steal original abilities from other home consoles; It steals the graphics from thePS3, the analog sticks fromcontrolers, the touch screen from the DS and Ipad, the touch pad fromlaptops and thecameras from the DSI. This thing is just a copy-cat, and a bad one too. Hasn`t anyone learned from experience that the feeling of good grphical power goes away after the 1st day? This thing is going to be pointless to have at home or on the go; since it`s just like thePS3 no one is going to play it at home, and since the batery life is so bad no one is going to be able to play it on the go. This leaves the NGP doomed to live a life in dust; Lets say that the NGP turns out to be a beutiful system, the developers willprobly have no timetosuport it because they are to busy making games for the 3DS, PS3, X-box, PSP phone, 3DSware, Wiiware, and the Ipod; by the time the NGP comes out everyone will have one of these things, causing developersto ignore the NGP. This will cause alot of NGP games to look like this:

Image 1And a lot of 3DS, PS3, PSP phone exc... to look like this:Image 9And that is why I say the NGP is going to suck. The 3DS however has all new material,and fixes all the DS` original problems. Some people might think that 3D is just a gimik because they have watched alot of 3D movies, and none have impressed them, but 3D on the 3DS is not the same as in the movies, let me explane. 3D at the movies is the way it is because film makers always think of the people whaching 2D while making the movie, this causes 3D movies to be much lamer than they whouldhave been. On top of that is the fact that enimes in movies never shoot bulets at you, they always shoot it at the main character or someone in the movie.... this prevents bulets from flying out of the screen in 3D. How do I know that 3D in the movies won`t be like the 3D on the 3DS? I know this from experience; (even though I am only 13) If you went to seethe spongebob squarepants 3D at canada`s wondeland you should now what i`m talking about; the 3d in Spongebob is difrent than regular 3D, the badguys in the movie weren`t trying to kill Spongebob, they where trying to kill you. Thismade the move`s 3Defect even more awsome than it already was; this should be the 3D used in the 3DS. That is all I have to say on the subject.

3DS VS NGP: Round one Fight

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advertisementImage 1 There can only be one winer, who will it be? Which handheald will be crowned champion? Which will have the better games? Only time will tell. I am still placeing my bet on the 3DS though.Why? The NGP looks sleek, and the 3DS looks coo,l but only the 3DS has something new to give me. The NGP has a touch screen and a touch pad, but I already have been playing touch contorled games for 4 years and it is already avalible on the DS, 3DS, Ipod, Ipad, and most phones. So I have had my fill on touch screen games. The 3DS has 3D with no glasses, wich I have never experienced berfore. Not to mention that the AR reality games and motion control look awsome and fun. The graphics on theNGP look as good as on the PS3, butall I need in graphical power is for the games to look beter than the WII`s. The 3DS does a nice job of that. I got the anologe stick that Iwanted on the 3DS, so there is no problem there. I just cant see one good reason to get the NGP insted of the 3DS.Dont tell me the games onthe NGP are better because I saw those games and I still like the 3DS lanch lineup.
Image 12 (look, we even got Metal Gear Solid)I am actualy very disaponted with the NGP. There is nothing new about the NGP and it looks just like a fat PSP.

Answers to your Answers: Nintendo 3DS, Why you should buy it.

Hello, today I am going tell you why youshould buy the Nintedo 3DS, by Answering yourresponses to the Nintendo 3DS.

1:"I think the3D will damage my eyes, soI am not buying It."

The 3D will not damage your eyes, It has actualy been tested and proovenbuy science that 3D will not damage your eyes. To tell you the truth, science is quite anoyed that random people ceap sending out warnings about3D EYE damage.

2:" Ithink the price is too exspensive."

Well thats too bad, life is exspensive man. Ihad topay $120 just to buy a LEGO castle! Not to consider the fact that the 3DS comes and does a lotmore than a couple thousand pieces of plastic.

3:" I am waiting forthe 3DS lite."

News flash! There will be no3DSlite. Look, there is nothingNintendo can upgrade except for the battery life on the 3DS. Its as small as the lite,(or smaller)so there will be no need to make itany smaller. The cameras could be improoved, but since they didn`t realy improove them much on the 3DS, I doutNintendo will make a new system just to improove the cameras now. It seems thevideocamera will be downlodable and nothing else can be improoved or added to the 3DS without It being a new system, so there will be nolite.

4:" I am going to get the PSP2 insted, because it will have the graphical power of the PS3."

If what you said Is true, the batery life could end up being 1-3 Hours with the price of$500-$900 US. Why do I think this will be the price and batery life you ask? Well I put this together buy the fact that Nintendo`s 3DS has only 3-5 hour batery life with a $250 price tag. IfNintendois all about saveings and baterylife, and the price is expensive and the hours are small, the PSP2 must be terrible at both. And welllets all faceit,3rd party develepers and producers can only make one great game per system at a time. If Nintedo has terrible 3rd party suport, we will still get great 1st party games, but if Sony gets Bad3rd party games we will be stuck with playing bad games, so I think Nintendo is the best bet.

5: "I dont know what the lanch lineup of games are, I am scared to buy the 3DS."

This Is for you:

March 15

Dead or Alive Dimensions $49.99
Samurai Warriors Chronicles $49.99

March 22

Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars $39.99

March 27

Madden NFL Football $39.99
Sims 3 $39.99
Nintendogs & Cats $39.99
Steel Diver $39.99
Pilotwings Resort $39.99
Super Street Fighter IV $39.99

April 2

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Shadow $39.99
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell $39.99
Asphalt $39.99
Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs $39.99
Rabbids Travel in Time $39.99

June 1

Cartoon Network SuperToon Rumble $39.99

June 2

Animal Crossing 3D $39.99
Mario Kart 3D $39.99
Paper Mario 3D $39.99
Dream Trigger $39.99
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D $39.99
Kid Icarus: Uprising $39.99
Star Fox 64 3D $39.99
Super Monkey Ball $39.99

July 6

Resident Evil: Mercenaries $39.99

Sept. 2

Face Kart: Photo Finish $39.99
Pet Zombies in 3D $39.99

I found This info at

Well that is the end of todays Answers to your Answers. See you next time.

Solid 3DS Info, Facts and more

The first thig I would like to wright is that the name for the newKingdom Hearts 3D game for the 3DS is called KingdomHearts: Dream Drop Distance.(Get it, Three Ds.) There is a new trailer at,aspx.Next I would like to tell all those loosers who think the 3DSsucks andaren`t going to buy it that if you dont buythe Nintendo 3Ds on launch date or ever, will have to buy a $900 PSP2! Finaly, I willshow you everything you need to know about the3DS.All these games will be coming out on it:

Image 4

Image 4 Image 2 And more. Then we have stupid rumers that the 3dsmakes Japenese people head hurts, and makes them tired and likely to vomit.Image 4(These people wont be too happy with there 3DS:cry:)

There will be Miis on the 3DS and the abillity to take a picture of a person and turn them into a Mii.

Image 6

Image 8

There will be street pass.

Image 7

Then there is Augmented Reality Image 9

Now a Pedometer Image 10

And a sleep mode Spot passImage 11I have to leave so..... I guss bye fore now.

Top 4 reasons to buy a Nintendo 3DS

1: There are no new games coming out on the reaguler ninendo handhelds.

This is actualy one of the main reasons Iwill actualy buy a Nintendo 3DS, I mean, there are no new games coming out on the Nintedo DS so why bother wait any more than you have to.

2: Great games.

Image 6(Kid Icarus) Image 3(the legend of Zelda; to the right)

Image 2(Metal Gear solid; up to the right)Image 1(Resident evil)

Image 6(Super street fighter)

How can you not want a 3DS, there are so many games to pick from.

3: 3D

Yea.... this is the main reason I want the 3DS, anything and everything looks awsome in 3D. I would not buy this thing if it did not have it.

4: WI-FI

The 3DS is soposed to be always conected and have awsome friendcodeless WI-FI.

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