morgofborg's forum posts
Yep, that sounds about right. I beat it in about 12 hours and 15mins on nightmare, but I've been playing FPS for a very long time.
And yes the ending sucks, I was at least expecting a boss fight or something lol.
Windows 7 is in itself about 15-20gb so that is probably what you are talking about. If not, it might be file page. I know for me, my file page defalted to being the amount of ram I had installed. I noticed my ssd was abnormally full and checked and my file page was set to 16gb! I would try shrinking or disabling file page.
Depends on the game and how you run your rig. i5750at4Ghz
Newegg had g.skill sniper 8gb 1600 for $34 shipped as a shell shocker last week. I picked up a set to go up to 16gb.
With chrome with 20-30 tabs, IE with 20 tabs, steam, origin, fraps, utorrent, core temp, afterburner, my minecraft server, minecraft mininized, playing BF3, and streams going an another monitor I was pushing 7gb used. So it just depends on what you do. To say more than 4gb is overkill isn't always the case...
If you built it yourself, I would really just part it out. You will get more money that way.
And I would just hook those old hdd's up to you new pc and just reformat them totally.
Very, very nice. I love those 800D's. 256gb m4, sli 580's, 16gb ram; I see you live by the motto go big or go home:P
Edit: are those going to be white or blue cathodes?
A GTX 460 1GB is a good card for most games at 1080p. When I say that, I mean that he will be able to max out the detail settings in most games with some AA turned on, and will be able to run ANY game at respectable settings. Since those cards usually overclock very well, he can take it to another level by doing that.
Yeah, I had the card running at 850/1700/2000 at 1.025v stable so it is a pretty good OC'er. Hmm, its a tough call; with 1080 tn panels being so cheap right now...
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