Haha! I know! Like those morons that pay for cable TV and internet access too!!MrUnSavory1I am laughing very hard at the notion of paying to play games on line.....LOL..........like W.C Fields said......"A sucker is born every minute!" :)
morrdin's forum posts
Wait a sec....Jesus can mod my controller? SWEET!
Actually the info was leaked weeks and weeks ago but this is considerable because until today it had absolutely no way to confirm it. I know most of the article from MMO Champion I thought was the ravings of a lunatic. Goes to show me!
The next MMO to truly lead the community will be the one that stops worrying about WoW and worries about being the best damn game it can be on its own right. Could this one be it? Sure, could be. Pretty early to tell though. It certainly has my attention though and I intend to keep following it closely.
It makes that sound when it is hungry. Try making a ham sandwich and inserting it in through the DvD port. Give it at least one hour to digest before playing.
Whenever I think of awesome old games the King's Quest series comes to mind. These were late 80's early 90s but were some of the most entertaining adventure/RPing games of all time in my opinion. The humor as well was top notch. Other great ones along these lines were Monkey Island and Space Quest.
To say the answer to this is "no" is a very uninformed position to take. There is no absolute when dealing with these kind of trends. Are graphics peaked? Id say its fairly obvious there is more room for improvement. Are we going to see advances like we have in the past 5 years in the upcoming ones? Id say its very unlikely.
Graphic cards are going to be continued to improved and marketing by microchip companies, thus driving down the price of existing cards and making them more available to the majority. However, on the side of developers there is a certain point where the time and cost of improving graphics further and further just doesnt become worth it. And I believe in the next few years we will see graphical improvements begin to plateau. (This is not to say they wont advance, it will just be much slower than it has been.)
As was mentioned above however I do highly expect other aspects of game to take the forefront of progress. Larger, more free-form areas, greater dialogue, better animation, better frame-rates, and physics engines are all things that can really still be vastly improved on. An excellent example is the new Star Wars game in development that is pushing physics and AI to a new level. Games like this I think are going to set the new focus on what the video games of the near future will have in store for us.
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