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mr_gamezombie Blog

Homework vs. Gaming?

Lately i have had a good amount of homework yet im not doing it...this is not because im lazy..its because im Gaming!
The fact of the matter is should i start doing my work oor stick with gaming? (this is not PROJECTS its simple work)
My mark are not declining yet all my marks are 70%-or higher no sign of slippage!
But ALL of my teachers never check homework!? is this a sign that 'gaming keeps the checking away' or am i in denial?....
This such a funny topic cause i know homework is more important..lmao!
But guys what do you think is better!!!?


Yes!! this is to T bizzy.
A guy in my Lucas Arts Union got 2% tooken of for posting 'off topic' subject! (politics) so this is a warning to you, stop the dumb ass posts or lose lots of %!


Pardon ME!

Pardon me if i Offend anyone! but i have to say this...

Lately the hype on the XBOX360 stated that it does not have a 'release date!' But im very confuse! the launch games are said to release Nov. 15 so would that not mean that the system would have to be released around that same time? (Nov.15-20) Are the reporters on Gamespot not paying attention or im i not quite getting the whole "When is the 360 coming OUT?" thing that people are saying!

Next on my list of WHAT THE HELL is The Official Xbox Magizine stated in the issue after the E3 conferences that they still called the New Xbox , Xenon!? where they not paying attention to the conference i know it was lack-lustering but wake UP!, They had a few articles that went in depth on the 360's games!?....

Last is the Price of the Xbox 360! i have pre-ordered the preimium pack from EB games and they told me it comes to $575! (i have $385 down) Does this not stop the whole question on the 360's price? they told me the price! what is all the talk if you dont know! Dont say they have yet to release the price head down to the nearest EB games and ask! they are selling it they wouldnt lie for the sake of lying they are a company and are hopefully telling the truth!!!!!!


Killzone 2.....Who cares!

During the E3 press conference for the PS3 Sony relesaed a trailer for the New Killzone game....the thing is that the 1st killzone was said to be a Halo killer.. they were wrong and the game flopped like a fish out of water. Now with this trailer out and all over everyone was all " look at the PS3 ingame graphics!!" they were all wrong and the trailer was then quoted by sony as being "Pre rendered"
What is the big thing 'people' if the 1st sucked who cares about the new one?

Spartan Vs. Spartan

God of the best of War, was on Puzzle, Action, Adventure game of 2005...for the PS2 but know there is a new contender in the Greek Games department..Spartan Total Warrior! this game looks very good the large battles and awesome action looks thrilling! This game looks like a cross between Dynasty Warriors and God of War this is going to be pretty sweet if the game can keep the action fresh...and not repetitious!
Considering the amount of enemies on screen.... i pray that the frame rate can keep up.. the powers that you are able to harness... look OH soo sweet!
this game will surly be better than GOD OF WAR.

Game Spot

This goes out to T_bizzy and Stoned_Lab_Rat..
the Name of the Website is "GAMESPOT" when you guys signed up for the site did you miss this? Yes i do not believe there is any restrictions on talking about Politics but still the point of having a account is to be in the community of gaming and talk about franchises of the gaming world. Not to discuss Why Korea is a Mess im not stating that the topic is stupid or anything im saying that it is not right for the site. (Hell it was very well written and i agree with the topic) But i signed up to read posts relating to the gaming world not to politics. Most of these post come from T_bizzy they are all great topics and make sence but 'Come On Talk About Something The World Doesn't Already Know!"

In conclusion "PLZ" stop the posts of pointless Political Topics. And go back to talking a bout Games guys!

GoldenEye "forever Untouchable":

This is for all the hater's of the Goldeneye game for the N64.
it does not suck, it is not crappy,it is awesome maybe not to todays standerds but the game is still one of the greatest shooter to hit the consoles in the last 10 years!
Im not going to disagree with people saying the graphics were not good but is N64. The game play is great, playing through the levels on your own or death match 4 player-split screen. it is very fun. the amount of things in the levels to do was sooo great the difficultity was not all that high. But in the end the finshed product of the game Goldeneye is 'untouchable'
still in my top ten list of shooter games as #4......
to all the Haters you guys are FUBAR!

Nintendo and its Fellow Console Friends

Each of these systems have been in the industry for many years and yes Nintendo more then Microsoft and Sony..I know this...(dont hassle me) But it has come to my attention that Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's PS2 are greater then Nintendo's Cube....and compared to its opponents, has only been around for not as many years. This is what i like to call about Nintendo "Losing the Touch" (even though they have the ds with the touch screen, it really doesnt matter!) This is not a hate type of post im just stating that Nintendo is falling behind its opponents..not good for the name if you ask me.

Ahem....Anyways im not trying to sound like a Microsoft fan or Sony fan, though i prefer the Xbox over the GameCube and PS2..its not my point.

The point im try to make is why would Nintendo go so long in gaming then stumble over its own feet with the GameCube. Ever since this I have exempt my self from the franchise...with purchasing of the games.(Unless Used) The past systems Nintendo has released were very well done (SNES, N64,etc.) great boosts for the franchise. with that i could of swore they would go into the next-gen world (which is know current-gen) A "Big Ass" competitor for Sony and which later would come... Xbox.

But it wasnt!! it came out of the start crawling with only like 2 good games for release...Sony had a little more but later Xbox came out with lots (Plus the best graphics since the Computer!..of course since it is Microsoft!) This i knew was the beginning of the end for NIntendo but you got to give it to them, staying up with its opponents with such Crap "Takes Talent!"

Now with the up coming release of the Revolution...well not 'up coming' its like 2 years away! But anyways,Will this happen again with Nintendo? (I have seen the not impressed!)

In Closing terms im only going to say this: Please Nintendo PUSH OUT a Killer App or PUSH OFF and leave the Consoles to the good folks at Sony and Microsoft!

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