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mr_gamezombie Blog nintendo!

Sorry im a fanguy im not 2 years of age!
Next this is to all the nintendo FANBOYS! yes i like xbox because i believe in great well put together systems!
Microsoft is great! WAAAAAY better then its competetion ..ahem...NINTENDO and Sony PS2. On that note i enjoy PS2 and the cube not saying they are not worth buying im saying they suck compared to xbox. Bottom line if ur a gamer and cant afford the xbox or PS2 then yes support MR.USELESS nintendo! then be my guessed just consider great games, great graphics, and great hardware! PS2:good game, good graphics, and so-so hardware! Last nintendo game cube (it doesnt deserve to be CAP'ed): is a big steaming piece of well produced (censored) POOP! with good graphics, so-so games, and and POOP! hardware hell its a lunch box that playes disks!......

Conclusion: XBOX-GREAT
PS2- GOOD sick of typing u get it.

p.s. im saying POOP cause they wont let me say S**t.

the thirdparty!

Nintendo is a great system.....there are good games for the system and past will contridict this but i believe the new Zelda game will be the high point of the nintendo franchise... but i still stand on my hatred of the game and its concepts..but that is beside my point!
Nintendo is a well put together system with its power to make kid games and its power to play great violent games like Res4.. but still nintendo has a greatly growing lack of third party games that slowly kills the great franchise of nintendo in the end all that is left to be questioned on is WHY IS NINTENDO KILLING ITSELF WITH THE BLUNTED KNIFE OF FIRST PARTY!

Halo garbage

Regarding my last entry i forgot to mention two very important facts about the game.....the ONLINE and mulitplayer how i over looked these i do not know but anyways:

the online play for halo2 is so/so it can be fun but playing the game online u find yourself pumeled with profanity, racism and sexist out calls to waman... its like the people play it hate wamen...*sign* this is very dumb. I know smack talk is cool in all but bad mouthing someone on thier race and sex is an complete act of stupidity and is uncalled for. So in the end the online play can be great or a waste of time...its who u play with but there is always that one person who gets too full of themselves and gets carried away... but i give the online in halo2 out of 10 a nice round 8.+:|

Next is the mulitiplayer with all its split-screen glorly is in fact good and is to me in my opinion the best part of playing halo 2. This is by far the best feature of halo2 and should be held the highest! just playing with 4 or more friends in the same room is incredibily awesome. I give it a 9.5 out of 10

Say!, Halo 2 the Garbage!

All the buzz on halo 2 is all simply annoying.. everyone in line to be the first to own the game is just stupid.

i've played and beat the game and yes..i own it and yes i pre-ordered it so yes....i was stupid for the time being. But when it toke me 2.5 days to finish (i had school so more like .5 days) i stood in awe in the at the big slab of 69.99 dallor game i just purchase less then a few days ago and said to myself..."WHAT THAT HECK (censored) HAVE I JUST DONE!" in this instint I came to realize i have fallen in to the commercial buyer list. Never have i been on this list never, ever since then i was a self buyer i purchase on my own makes me sick when i hear FPS's be compared halo2 "the game sucks ladies and gentlemen!"

My review of HALO 2: ( out of 10 )

-the graphics = 9.5

-the game play = 3.5

-the sound = 5

-the over all = i give it a ( drum roll please....... ) 3/10 :lol:

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