@hughthehand88: Well Destiny can't detect your internet connection unless you reset the game. But that is not the case with BO, you can actually connect and see all the players. I don't think it's console problem. It's more likely that data from some method that is run when you launch the game is dumped on suspend and method is not run on wakeup.
Even if console's api doesn't notify game about being woken from suspend, they could run a small diagnostics script before saying "the lobby is not joinable"
Here's my feedback - on PS4 game is buggy as hell. After suspend I can't join anyone's lobby, only reset of the game helps (and that is a problem because I have to watch all the logo all over again -- add option to skip them all togheter. From options menu - when game launched it should go straight to sitting black guy). Sometimes matchmaking takes too long. Sometimes I'm locked in menu with only one option - store (that could be intentional). But worst of it all -- other players host the game and it's laggy as ****. I mean it gets "i can't go through a door" laggy.
Ok, I get it some players still play BO2 and with as many COD games you had since that one you'd be bankrupt supporting all the dedicated servers. But is it really that difficult to find the best host based on his latency? If you can't add option to host a public game. Me and my buddies - we all have great optic connection
@gottago42: Gonna grab it on PC, though I doubt my 3yo (i think it's 3 yo, because gtx 660 ti was reviews in 2012) old PC will deliver best performance
mr_nee's comments