@gamer162594: it sure is if you buy them. A lot. Hate to burst your bubble but internet is spinning faster every year. I stopped paying for home internet as my G4 phone connection is great even for gaming and G5 is just around the corner. with all the streaming I would keep a copy of a movie even if I would download it illegally for free. It's not like you are going to watch it anytime soon again.
@Popa2caps: dude, not having to invest and maintain stores is a big plus. BTW there are Sony official stores all across world, but sony doesn't pay for them, sony's offcial disrtibution partners do.
@Popa2caps: hahahahaha - Sony doesn't have funds. You made me laugh son. bots would really love to beleive sony is in wekened stated as it was beating xbone month by month almost entire two years so bad poor Phil had to give up consoles sold metric :D
@smokerob79: Not for another full year. If we talk anounced, not yet released consoles, it is very likely sony will anounce something else prior xbone scorp release, then scorpio will not be strongest console ever released or anounced. Just saying :)
@blitzking: well I have to call it something. when MS will anounce final spec, the very next day Sony's team will be done innovating pro2. I will be anounced some two months before scorpio release.
@smokerob79: you should learn to read bro "by the time scorpio comes out, the ps4 pro2 will be anounced". There's a distinct difference between words "anounced" and "released" :)
by the time scorpio comes out, the ps4 pro2 will be anounced which will have 8 teraflops instead of scorio's 2. If you're not a brand fanboy and are waiting for best anounced console, you might wait for ever. IMO, it is best to get PS4 pro now and next one in two years
mr_nee's comments