@elementonly08 De gustibus non est disputandum. If I find 10 xbox exclusives I want to play, Ill get it too.
but I'm glad I switched to PS3 this gen and my friends are sorry they didn't.
Honestly, no trolling, now is a good time to get cheap PS3 and play Sony exclusives (even heavy rain if you are 27+). it wil be every penny's worth. You'll get my point then
@elementonly08 what do you mean? PS3 has free to play MMO's. Xbox has nothing in that field. rest of the games (BF3) play the same and it's not Sony's or MS' doing
@elementonly08 I'm sure i'll give deep down a try. but the best is yet to come. Unless you have a cancer and don't have much left (my sincere sorry in that case) launch lineup is not really important. what is important, Sony exclusives were better last gen, and there is no signs of that changing
@elementonly08 LOL - to name few... quantum break is TV Series. Project spark is not that fun at all. Rest is crap (especially, KI). If that is the list - PS4 wins with inFamous alone (because it has Nirvana song in trailer)
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