You should get a PSP. If you live in Canada, go online to Future Shop's website. You can get a Hannah Montana bundle for $100!! I know the purple color might turn some of the guys off, but I might get one because of the price. They also have the white one with the ModNation game for $130.
mralspsp's forum posts
My local Gamestop has one of the largest selections of PSP UMDs this side of Virgina! The wal-mart on the other hand, has barely jack. So I guess it just depends on the location and business. I also think that Digital Downloading has something to do with it as well.
Downloading has already affected the video rental locations where I live. The only place where you can rent videos and movies is Blockbuster. And they are almost bankrupt. There is also those rental machines where you can pick one up for $2.
I like it so far but seems to not have all the games that are out, which is fine as long as they have Crisis Core out soon, I am a big FF fan, I also hope they bring Kingdom hearts to PSN!
Thanks for replies : )
As far as I know, there will be no Kindom Hearts in digital form. You will have to ask Disney on that one.
People have been wanting Crisis Core on the PSN ever since the Go was launched. Nine months later, still no release. :(
I am collecting the PSP bundles so I will be definitely be buying this one. :)
I have an iPod for music and a camera for pictures. I don't need that extra stuff on my PSP.
I've been hear that the best that Gamestop will give on trade for the Go is $50. Your better off selling it privately (ebay or craiglist).
It will be DJ Max Portable 3 when it comes out this fall!! :D
You should add in there that the 1000, 2000 & 3000 models can use a better battery called the Stamina (2200mah). You get at least 20% longer battery life.
It's called the extended life battery now and can be bought at HMV, Future Shop, Best Buy and Wal Mart for around $25 to $30.
Because the battery is fatter it also comes with a fatter battery cover. Be warned, the covers are only silver and black. I use them on my white 3000 and blue 2000 and it doesn't bother me. :)
Worst: Hotwheels Ultimate Racingkilleracer0210
I hated this one as well. Just plain awefull!!!! :evil:
Best one for me: DJ Max. What a time vampire this game is lolz!!! :D
Actually, all the stores where I live now have decent PSP selections compared to over a year ago.
There is still hope yet! :)
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