I have both and it's definitely the way to go.
mralspsp's forum posts
Every body complaining about the price. I bought my PSP 1000 six months after launch for over $350. Thats expensive!! In countries like the UK and Austrailia, they are paying more.
The money you get for your games is a joke. You get FA for them!! I was gonna get under a dollar for my Madden 08 and NHL 08 PS3 games lolz!!
Looks like downloading is going to be the future for my PSP. :)
I was the biggest opponent of the Go because of the threat of my UMD collection going the way of the dinosaur.
After reading reviews and watching the console in action, I fell in love with it. So I decided to sell my DSL and all my games to get a white PSP GO and $450 worth of PSN cards. I have been downloading like crazy, I have 2.2GB left in my storage and have filled up 4 4GB M2 sticks already. The M2 sticks come with an adapter so you can play your games on the Go or the normal PSP if you want.
I am keeping my PSP 3000, but I might eventually sell off my UMD collection that is on the PSN already.
It sucks for you FF fans not to have the games yet. You have to give them time, Rome wasn't built in a day you know. Wait till Christmas, the Go might go on sale and the FF games will probably be released by then.
My recommendation? Get the Go, but if you have a 1, 2 or 3000, keep it for your games not available on PSN.
Remeber, your UMD games won't last forever. If they break, get lost or stolen, you have to buy it all over again. Not so with downloaded games. Big plus.
Is it too late to buy older games like jeanne d'arc? Thanks again
You can download it from the PSN store. You can buy it on UMD, they are still available.
Don't buy the Logitech one. They are crap!
i have 273 and still growing
UMD or emulated games?
The Wii by far. If it was priced at $150, I would buy one tomorrow.
I bought a cd/dvd cleaner kit that comes with cleaning solution that I use for my screens.
I don't know if any1 will answer but is it worth gettin' a psp3000 if I don't hav a psp already?marmotlord
If you don't have one, a big yes. Awesome machine IMO.
Yeah, I would have a larger DS collection, but there are a ton of kiddie games that just don't appeal to me.
I will never own a xbox360 because of RROD and am gonna wait for the Wii HD console to come out.
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