I can't help but think smerlus was installing Far Cry one day, and the disk burst apart and ripped through his dog. It would explain the hatred of Far Cry and the dog fixation.
He then watched some videos of the game and came to these rediculous conclusions about the AI. I played Far Cry. LOTS. The AI never does any of those things you mentioned when on the highest difficulty setting. (Except for the night-shooting...) Try playing with the AI balance setting.
It's time to face the facts: Far Cry was a revolutionary shooter. The graphics were fantastic, the AI was fantastic, and the level design was fantastic. The only complaints any sane person can have of the game is the garbage story, and that's it.
I still think that people that say this game has great AI are crazy... The AI is cheap on any setting.
if you fire a gun, mercs will swarm to that location...cool. what's not cool is that even though you run off and hide somewhere, most of the times the mercs will still be able to find you right away.
The mercs can see in the dark without any aides
It's cool to see the trigen and mercs fight, but if you're in the area, somehow these mutant beasts and blood thirsty mercs decide to call a truce and just attack you.
just a few examples of bad AI
 You think that's bad AI? Guess you haven't played hl2.
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