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#1 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts
In my opinion you should wait for more reviews. another company gave it a 7.5. so potentially the game could be better than what that one review says.may be that review was a little harsh.They gave Golden Axe 3.5 or something like that but I thought it was better than who knows?
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#2 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts
I've always wondered this?I think Capcom should make a whole new series based on Proto Man. Of course I'd like to see it in 3D instead of classic 2D. Or may be even a future Proto Man in the X era. Proto Man and it would have to be for PS3.
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#3 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

Mega Man imagine the robots being done with same visuals as transformers. woop woop.

other than that I would say twisted metal.(if they can do it for death race than why not.)

others would be Devil May Cry, Bionic Commando( may be would turn out good), Final Fantasy in real life.

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#4 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

I'm just wondering if you can put a Sata 2 hard drive in a PS3? Has anyone tried this.If not what is the biggest Sata drive that you can get for the PS3? The biggest I found so far was 120G. But I'd like atleast 250G or higher if possible for my internal drive.

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#5 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

for October I plan on getting MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, Monopoly, Dead Space, BioShock, Legendary, Little Big Planet, and May be Guitar Hero: World Tour, Golden Axe

for November I want to buy Resistance 2, Sonic Unleashed, Shaun White Snowboarding, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge, End War, and Call Of Duty: World At War

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#6 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

All I was saying is that the Playstation 3 cost alot of money to create so Sony had to charge alot of money for it if they wanted to break even or make profit.But they didn't because people wanted a cheaper playstation 3 and wouldn't buy the PS3 at the original price so Sony downgraded the PS3 so it would be cheaper for them to make so they could sell it for cheaper. Its just like if you made something that cost you 800$ would you sell it for 300$. no you wouldn't.So sony made a downgraded playstation so they could sell it for less. original Playstation 3 was worth the cost. May be not to everyone. But I have a playstation 3 that has all the original features and I can't complain. Backwards Compatibility is technology that costs Sony more money.So if people want it. They should be willing to pay a little extra for it. The new 80 G PS3 having no Backwards Compatibility doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm sorry that everyone is now going to miss out on the BC. But may be you shoulda snatched a PS3 while the BC was still around.Or get one on Ebay.

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#7 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

I'm sure alot of won't post the whole list

Afrika, Army Of Two, Baja: Edge Of Control, Battlefield: Bad Company, BioShock, Bionic Commando, Call Of Duty: World At War, Damnation, Dark Void, Darksiders: Wrath Of War, Dead Space, FF XIII, FF Versus XIII, Fracture, Ghostbusters, Golden Axe: Beast Rider, Guitar Hero: World Tour, InFamous, Legendary, Little Big Planet, MAG, Mega Man 9, Mirror's Edge, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, Off Road Drive, Prototype, Pure, Rage, Resistance 2, Rise Of The Argonauts, Shaun White Snowboarding, Sonic Unleashed, Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows, Splatterhouse, Street Fighter IV, Tekken 6, They, Tiberium, Tom Clancy's: End War, Tom Clancy's: H.A.W.X, Valkyria Chronicles, White Knight Story, WipeOut HD.

games I would like that are unannounced

Twisted Metal, Vectorman, Altered Beast, Streets Of Rage, Mega Man X9, Shinobi, Contra, a Metroid Prime style type Mega Man, Mortal Kombat (without DC ), Panzer Dragoon, Shenmue 3, Crazy Taxi, a new flight simulator w/ stick.

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#8 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts
I'm going to try and explain this as nicely as possible. I'm really tired of the complaining.From day 1 everyone complained about the price of the Playstation 3." Oh it's too expensive I'll wait for the price to drop." We've all heard that one.Well as far as I'm concerned if you want the best of technology you have to pay for it. I bought an original 60 G PS3 and I have had no problems with it. It has backwards compatibility with both PS2 and PS games.So all my games work. I payed the full price. And I am glad I did and I don't regret it. Sony supposedly took like almost a billion dollar loss on the PS3.Why? Because for one it cost them more $ to make the PS3 than they could sell it for. And secondly they haven't sold enough PS3's to make any money on the system. Alot of people who are complaining that you wanted a cheaper PS3 got what you asked for.They downgraded the technology so it would be cheaper for them to make and so they could sell to you" the consumers" for a cheaper price. May be if you wanted to keep the PS3 at its finest you should have bit your tongues, saved up the money earlier before the PS3 came out and just bought it instead of complaining. Top technology = Top Dollar. Hopefully you can remember this for when the PS4 comes out if that ever happens. I have upgraded my PS3 from a 60 G to a 250 G. It still works fine and has not had one problem yet.Except NHL 08 which has froze on me may be 5 times since last september.So please stop the crying and whining. You wanted a cheaper PS3 so Sony made you a cheaper PS3.
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#9 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts
I think there has been rumors of Kingdom Hearts 3, a new Dragon Quest, likely the Shining Force series isn't over just yet.Who knows what the future will bring. Rest assured there will be plenty of RPG's on PS3. just be patient people.
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#10 mrgray187
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

all the rpgs I could find so far.

Alpha Protocol, Cross Edge, DC Universe Online, Disgaea 3, Dragon Age: Origins, Elveon, Eternal Sonata, FF XIII, FF Versus XIII, Fallout 3, Free Realms, Golden Axe:Beast Rider, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, Omikron 2, Rise Of The Argonauts, Sacred 2: Fallen Angel, The Agency, The Last Remnant, Valkyria Chronicles, White Knight Story. Is that enough?