ok ok ok, PC gaming's not dead. but it can barely compete with the console market. i know no one reads this, but to the one person that does read, hopefully this will give u an objective or different view on this subject. or it'll just piss u off.
there are three major points to this issue: hardware, software, and investmant....
in terms of hardware, everyone knows that PC gaming offers a better experience compared to console gaming. the graphics which can fun up to X 10 on the PC via vista, which is noticably superior to the consoles X 9. compare games like boishock and lost planet, u'll notice the difference between the two platforms. Crysis is the one game that all PC gamers turn to when they want to look at visuals. not a game on the consoles have achieved that. also FPS's, RTS's, and MMO's PLAY better on the PC becasue of networking and controls. but in order to gain access to this type of gaming, u need money. and when i say money, i mean MUCHO DENERO. i hear these trolls on system wars cry about how PC gaming's just as, and cheaper than consoles. 1, my ass it is. 2, depends on the performance ur expecting. im no tech head, but i have friends who r, and if u want a lackluster experiance on ur PC, then go ahead and throw a few hundred dollars at ur desktop. if u want something worth while, expect a grands worth hole in ur pocket. if u decide to be cheap, and only spend a few hundred dollars on ur PC, expect lag, freeze, and constant updates to ur platform. does that sound fun to u? it sure as hell doesnt to me. an example, one day i was over my friends house and he was playing battlefield 2. after a few attempts, he FINALLY connected. now here's the good part, this game is suppose to run at what, 30, maybe 60 fps? yeah try 2. eventually the game commited suicide and shut itself down. so, now he got an all new computer with vista and he's having a pretty smooth experience... ... ... for the most part. ive even heard some people actually fried their computer trying to prep it to play crysis. generaly, if u want an experience that even compares to the consoles, a few hundred dollars doesnt cut it... not even close. in terms of functionality, i would rather have piece of hardware that's MADE for gaming, and offers more of a garuntee for a rather smooth experience with little interruptions, opposed to me having to build one that offers a garuntee that there will be issues. now lets give PC a head start. lets say that with 4-500 dollars u can put together ur very own gaming platform, how ya gonna do it? do u think ur grandmother will rather learn how to piece together a gaming PC, or just buy a Wii, where everything's right there for her. yeah, i thought so. i know its hard to believe, but not everyone is computer literate. there are people out there who wont have a clue to what they're doing. yeah, u can teach someone how to to install a graphics card, and more RAM. but what about all the updates that follow? now look at what i just said there, teach. most would rather skip the learning and just buy a console.
i have to take the moment to make fun of an editor of PC magazine. she stated, "...i ran by a statistic that said that there will be 33 million PC's sold this year. that makes me hopeful" hopeful for what? so that everyone could look at porn? congrats PC editor, u go down as one of the dumbest gaming journalist of all time next to Morgan Webb. and i ask u, how many of these PCs will be used for gaming? 16 million? id stop there. ud guess she'd stop to think that these computers r also being bought for business and personal purposes. and my guess is that those two other options far out weight gaming. atleast she somewhat redeems herself by saying that, "hopefully we can teach them that they have a gaming platform in their own home". correction, a POTENTIAL gaming platform.
alright, enough with the hardware, lets talk games. owning a Wii and a 360, im a gamer who likes a wide variety of genres. from platforms, to racers, to FPS's, to RPGs, to action, to games that dont even fall in a particular genre. console gaming allows me to have access to a wide variety of games. as for the pc? meh... not so much. the majority of the bigger titles on the pc consist of FPS's, RTS's, MMO's, simulation, and western RPG's. dont believe me? walk into any place that sells games and look at what u find. personally, some of these games r very one dimentional as its usually one form of gameplay. not to say that they're not good, i loved starcraft, and i stopped playing wow cause i was afraid that i was never going to see my other games again. its just that some of the console games like mario galaxy, ratchet, and others of the type offer multiplay forms of gameplay. pc barely offers that. not to mentio that the most highly acclaimed games lay in the consoles. looking back at past award shows, consoles dominated the nominations. u may only see a hand full of pc titles up there. now some may say that its because there r more games on the consoles than the pc. that right there is proof. devs r turning away from the pc market knowing that they're going to make a lot more money with consoles.
in the end i strongly believe that consoles r the way to go. yes pc can potentially perform better that the consoles, but u'll have to possess the patience, and the knowledge to prep ur computer for that. even in the end, the experience might not be as smooth as what u'll fin in the consoles. as for the games themselves, there r and will be games that will hold it up from dying, like wow, and upcomming spore and starcraft 2. but theres little variety there, as it aims to a particular demographic.
overall better performance (depending on ur pc). better and more varied games. that's my opinion
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