What if its a protected movie? I've tried converting DBZ episodes and it fails alot and if it succedes it breaks the file.
I got a GO and some PSN cards. I've only DL'ed Dissidia so far dunno what else to get yet so i'm waiting.
a GO seems more practical especially if you wanna bring more then 2-3 games with you when you travel or are out in public.
Well seeing as i;m hopfully getting a GO i will start my collection with either Dissidia or maybe GTA CTW or LCS. I've heard good things about both so i dunno.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *Becomes Super Saiyan* why does Canada get ripped off so much???!!! *punches something*
i'm impressed when i first saw the box i went "oh god a kids game" but the concept seems kinda cool i must admit.
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