In lieu of any serious BF2age, have pulled Unreal Tournament (not that 2003 or 2004 rubbish) out of retirement :D
mthomason99 Blog
by mthomason99 on Comments
The Battlefield 2 Auth server is down :( I havent played in a week, and now the one evening I want to the thing isn't working.
*heavy sigh*
Time for some CoV then... unless...
PSP Update 2.60
by mthomason99 on Comments
What I want for Christmas...
by mthomason99 on Comments
I know it's not going to be out in time, but all I really want is the announcement that it is. Thats the best christmas present I could wish for.
What is it I want so much? I want a game that combines RPG and FPS elements with some decent vehicles, and lets me play it online with a choice of massively multiplayer online servers or my own private offline one for just me and some friends. I'm not that bothered about whether its modern or sci-fi (okay, I'd lean towards sci-fi but modern will do nicely). And I want it while I'm still young enough to enjoy it....
Got me a PSP
by mthomason99 on Comments
So I gave in while shopping in Game for a present for someone... I saw the PSP Giga Pack on sale and snapped one up before they were all gone. Now it's just a wait of a week or two for something I actually want to play on it to be released (SvR 2006, for example)
It's a nice little unit. Got it hooked into my wireless LAN with no problems whatsoever, and soon it was running its built-in web browser and doing an online update. I really recommend getting the Xploder Movie Player, just for the powered USB cable that lets you power the PSP off your PC's USB port (or Mac, or anything else with a compliant USB port that'll supply 5 volts)
Waiting for Lockdown
by mthomason99 on Comments
Slept from 5am till 2pm... really have to get my weekend sleep patterns sorted out.
Still waiting for a team-based shooter that can take the place of Raven Shield. BF2 just doesnt have the quick-fire action that has a round over in minutes. Lets see how Lockdown does once its out next year. Seems like a large portion of our clan just isnt really into BF2 so organising anything with the lot of us is near impossible.
BF2 Special Forces Review
by mthomason99 on Comments
by mthomason99 on Comments
Hello? Is this thing on? *taps microphone*
Ah, good.
Mostly playing BF2: Special Forces at the moment until the novelty wears off. Our clan has a ranked server up and i'm on there most evenings and weekends.
Falling behind in my MMORPG stuff. I havent logged into UO for weeks, and only then to check my character is ok. WoW I havent played in 3 weeks, and CoV gets an hour or two a week.
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