@DlaZy1 Look at them, do you think they care about nutrition? sucking on their soft drinks and fast food, sends a terrible message GS. They look half retarded and people admire them, now I feel sad.
Just a point of contention KVO. Repetition in these types of games is par for the course, and shouldn't be specifically highlighted as a BAD point. Repetition exists in many games. That's how I feel. thank you.
@LpcWarrior oh boy I hear you. best mp experience for me ever! even that little square map with the shipping containers where ppl lobbed nades haha good fun.
@Smartestguyhere sorry I didn't mean to get u angry. buy which console you wish. I'm sure your fellow sony buddies think saving 40$ is totally worth it. But seriously 40$ is a selling point? it's **** all. maybe you are the low income one, not I.
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