@miser_cz I sense some hostility in you. Not sure why but if he writes based on experience, let me ask you- when was the last time something like this was ever successfully sold? I get it, you two are rift fanboys trying to educate everyone on why this will be successful. Again, by only using the headset, he can't have any way of knowing if this thing will be a success, he's guessing (just like everyone else).
I maybe wrong and theses goggles will sell like hot cakes but I'm not spamming through all the rift trollicles claiming this will crash and burn as opposed to you fine fellows or madams that claim because you have tried them, they will fly off the shelves.
@kalipekona @Igal-Ze By simply using a product is no guarantee the it will be successfully sold. You are in the same boat as everyone else, so stop with your crusade to market this tech and tell everyone they are wrong. It just makes you look foolish as well.
Why are all you kids screaming the woman stalked this kid. Stalking is based on an unwanted obsession of another person. The woman was not obsessed in any way. What she did was find out where the kid lived and notified authorities. That's not stalking boys and girls.
mucking_foron's comments