First off the game (sands of time) keeps crashing, ive played it 3 times and it just crashes after about 20 minutes of gameplay so straight away it's unplayable. Another thing is the AWFUL sound quality, what's that all about? Theres some extremely ugly muffled/echo sound effect when smashing things, fighting enemies and sound effects in general. I'm playing the downloaded version from the PSN store, do these problems exist on the retail version too?
mufcbarlow1's forum posts
I've tried using my black wired xbox controller on PC, but when i plug it in, the guide button flashes for a split second then nothing happens, no notifications on my PC about installing the device or anything. Ive installed the driver from the website, but still nothing is happening. Any ideas?
With all new game engines such as frostbite 2 and dramatically improved graphics from games such as Battlefield 3, Rage and Forza 3, could we say we are already in the next gen?
Heres a shot from Quake 4 round about xbox 360's release
Now heres rage
Battlefield Modern combat:
Battlefield 3
Forza 2
Forza 4
The above are all comparisons of how far developers have come in terms of graphics since xbox launch. Looking at the screens, are we at a stage where we can start saying next gen graphics? If not, how long does it go on for till we see the end of the xbox 360 if the graphics just keep improving so dramatically?
wouldnt surprise me if halo 4 will be kinect like that awful star wars game....imagine "Halo 4: Master Cheif's kinect space adventures"
i heard there were people camping in times square getting prepared to be raptured. So now what are they gonna do...jsut be like...oh, erm guess we were wrong, lets go home and put our feet up? Absolute pethetic little morans with no life who CONTINOUSLY get proved wrong time and time again yet they still decide to go and flaunt their idiotic and well, lets face it, down right embarrassing and juvenile beliefs.
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