mugensur's forum posts
Why wouldn't you ebay it? There really is no reason not to.oce86
well, maybe registering and then the process to sell it, other words "time" least thats the only reason I see not to sell it on ebay.
I don't know if proud of but I've finished:
Devil May cry 3.
Resident evil 4.
Zelda:twilight princess (the game that I beat faster than any other game)
timesplitters future perfect.
tenchu wrath of heaven.
and a lot more which I trade to get new games so I don't have them here to write down the title of it.
PS2 is great,gamesare still being made for the PS2 even when the 360, PS3 and Wii are out. The gaming industry has completely forgotten about the Xbox and Gamecube.stevendiep_100
True, they are making games for these you mentioned above plus PSP & DS and they are still Making a few more for PS2.
The reason why I trade my gamecube for a ps2.
umm, i already have a ps3..lolTaylor9124
lol and you bought a ps2 silver slim as well? lmao
it's about time that a good old American made game like the God of War series comes out and crushes the competition. Nuff said.
oh my.
The Game has an "American" character, it rules!.
GOW Gets to repetitive and it loses its "greatness" after the first level, and stop with american and japanese thing, we don't need no discrimination.
Yes you can swim too, you can fly, you can climb too, you can shoot firballs swing your racoon tail and climb a yoshi, OMG it's better than GoW, lol.
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