So I have my gamecube just cuz my mom and dad play bomberman on it, I wanna trade it in to get new ps2 games.
So the only way to do this is getting bomberman for ps2....but there is none, I have searched on the internet and everywhere but nothing! so there really is not bomberman games for ps2?
I was talking about someone how said it was scary...u didnt...Rated_25
You wont, unless someone under the age of 15 posts here, thats the only one who may find it scary.
Its mor elike an horror adventure, you dont get scare but you do get the feeling of blowing some zombie's head.(which is not head) but its a great game, I'm not saying its bad tho, I have played all of them and I'm playing RE4 right now, they sure are great.
What about some good ol' Resident Evil? Nobody has mentioned that game, and I think thats no good. On the other hand, Fatal Frame is really ackward, what makes it good (scary)Rated_25
Check over your post, I mentioned it but Resident evil is not really scary, I think its more of a horror survival game, not scary.
huh? Don't ever dare to compare tenchu with another game .V. J/K XD
I really like Tenchu games, I remember playing one for the psx/ps1 and thats the only game I played for hours after Pepsiman, its really a cool game, get it or rent it first, but you have to try this game.
The only reason that can keep you away from deadlocked is that if you want the same old gameplay,story and stuff from the last.
If you want a new ratchet different from the rest then check deadlocked.(meet ya online...l0loz once I figure out how to get online with the slim version xD I got it a few weeks ago so I'm checking the guides,etc. Hopefully we'll play a few battles if you get it).
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