If only more companies had an outlook like this. I bought original Witcher in physical copy then bought a copy from GOG and have The Witcher 2 on my PC as well as my 360.
I believe there was an article last year about how their game was one of the most pirated and yet they don't blame anyone or look for measures to makes consumers pay for others.
@Nibbles37 @mulder_000 Yes, filling in the gaps in a resume or when an employer sees that you never stay long at a job always needs an explanation. Hopefully, DARS will help with that. :)
@Nibbles37 Best of luck with everything. I have gone through so many jobs, I lost count. I would always blame myself and call myself weak and lazy when I couldn't go to work.
@Nibbles37 @mulder_000 That's what everyone keeps telling me when I tell them about all the games I don't play. Still, they look purty just sitting then. :p
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