@jedikevin2 Couldn't have said it better myself. Why do a review for the PC version, if you're not going to concentrate JUST on that edition? Gamespot rarely has a PC review of a console game and they should leave it that way.
@nathangray On the other hand, MP games like COD and the BF series charge you for the game + different levels of MP extras that keep getting more and more numerous.
MMO's are taking away monthly fees while AAA titles are ADDING fees. Bought a used game? Sorry, can't play online, unless you pay us!! New map packs!! woot! No one is forcing anyone to buy the map packs or DLC, but if you have friends who have em...well you have a choice to make. (Plus $$ for Xbox Live )
We have to be good shoppers. I have never seen so much price-gauging going on in the gaming industry as there is now. EVERY SINGLE game has 3 different editions with worthless crap you can have if you spend $100 for the CE edition or Legendary edition. Then the day 1 DLC, then the codes to play online should you have purchases the game used, then map packs...1 game could easily cost $200.
@Mitridon @Clockout1 I think most people who pirate games do have the money. A lot of them want every game that comes out and if it's coming out on PC as well as on consoles they will pirate that game and buy the console specific ones.
This is why there is such a gap a lot of the times between console releases and their PC version. Pirates are not patient people and might buy the game rather than wait 1-2 months for the PC version.
Goodness, what's all the whining lately about gaming on this website? First it was gratuitous violence , now it's FTP gaming model.
Guess what? We all have choices to make in life. Don't like ultra-violent games? Don't play them. Don't want to spend a lot of $$ when trying to enjoy a FTP game, then find one (LOL) , where you don't have to, or just don't spend the damn $$!!
I guess the next article will be blaming McDonald's for making people unhealthy. CHOICE! It's quite the powerful tool.
I agree totally with what you have said. Sitting through demo after demo of various soldiers bleeping their way around and killing everything in their path made me a bit queasy. Something bothered me about Medal of Honor : Warfighter. As they dipped into Somalia and got ready to kill anything in sight, it hit a little too close to reality.
Black Ops 2, Battlefield 3 new content, Medal of Honor ..soldiers mowing down everything in sight. It was just a sensory overload. Add in The Last of Us and I was starting to feel unsettled and just wanted to curl up in a ball and play with some string.
Nothing wrong with some violence in video games, but is that all there is?
This looks interesting. I doubt that any characters will be able to die, obviously due to DC and Marvel's licencing rights.
I do hope that Batman doesn't just pull out some Kryptonite and defeat Supe that way. In a fair fight, this is no contest. I'd like to see Hulk vs Supe! WW vs Supe.
I'd rather see like-powered combatants going after each other. (please include Power Girl:p)
mulder_000's comments