Other thing I might add is if Sony made all PS3 games remote play their sells would sky rocket on the vita because that feature alone would bring tons of games people have already purchased to their Vita for free. Very bad move to only make a few games support it.
God Eater 2 looks like one of those games that's just too good to pass up. I only wonder why they have not announced a God Hand 2 for PS3 and Vita. That game was super awesome on PS2 and was one of my favorite button masher action games.
I think that from the whole beginning Sony was very misleading on Remote Play. I mean at E3 they show Vita playing Killzone 3! Why show your console doing something to show it off if the customers are not going to be able to do the same when they purchase it. That was the only thing that really upset me when I bought my Vita. I was expecting to see 90%+ of my disc games working on remote play the way Sony marketed it from the very beginning. The other gripe I have is why is there only 3G support when we have 4G already? If the console had supported 4G I would actually sign up for the data plan but with only 3G I have no interest in that. The other thing I would add is Verizon has the biggest 4G network in the USA so why did they go AT&T?
@Master_Vexov LMAO Guild Wars 2 is F2P and millions are going to play it even tho all other MMOS require a monthly subscription! Your point is invalid sir!
For the record I am not a little rich brat boy. I am 31 and I upgrade my pc every 1.5 to 2 years and always build a SLI tower out of my own money. Yes I agree that graphics don't make a good game. There are games with crappy graphics that are awesome. A good example of this would be Mario for the NES and SNES. However, Blizzard's WOW doesn't even come close to that in my opinion. Yeah graphics are one of my major complaints about WOW, but look at Ultima Online..... UO came out in 1999 and it is a game that is so much fun and pvp is so much more hardcore that it doesn't matter that the graphics are way outdated. Wow on the other hand has so many flaws that the only thing that could possibly save it for me is up to date 2012 graphics like that seen in Batman Arkham City, Max Payne 3, Tera, Battlefield 3, etc. I tried WOW and it was my worst mmo experience ever. Now after playing Tera where there is no lame "Tab Target", and you get a crosshair instead; I doubt I could ever go back to a "Tab Target" mmo ever. The only hope would be Everquest Next which I have so much hope for. I actually had the chance to try GW2 Beta and after playing it for a hour I am going to head to Gamestop and cancel my pre-order and just stick to Tera. In my opinion WOW is like a tobacco addiction. Everyone does it even tho they know it's a bad habit.
Anyone who rates this game less then a 9.0 is an IDIOT! GW2 beta was horrible and basically just more GW1 crap. Tera is the most innovative mmo as far as combat goes and in mmos 90% of what you do evolves around combat. Plus Tera has better graphics. I tried every mmo to date and all them couldn't hold my attention for more then a day. Wow lasted a few hours then I deleted it and concluded it was the worst piece of crap ever! I do like mmo's a lot it's just that over the years only a few were even worth buying and those were Ultima Online, Everquest 1 & 2, and Tera.
World of Warcraft = fail (audience was the non mmo crowd with 5 year old pc's!)
Age of Conan = fail
Aion = fail
Asheron's Call = fail
Lineage = fail
Runescape = fail
Sar Wars the Old Republic = fail
Lord of the Rings Online = fail
Runes of Magic = fail
Guild Wars 1 (poor boys mmo) = biggest fail ever!
Guild Wars 2 beta (poor boys mmo)= more GW1 crap and lousy graphics compared to Tera
EVERQUEST 1 & 2 = Awesome goodness (good graphics and most content ever)
Ultima Online = Awesome goodness (pre 1999 only & best pvp ever!)
Tera = Awesome goodness (Fun & fast combat with up to date graphics)
Bottom line is Blizzard is setting a trend that goes back in time instead of looking for the future! I wonder when Blizzard starts releasing games that say on box, "6 year old pc required to play our game!". It wouldn't surprise me in the least.
The guy who claims Skyrim is taxing because of graphics is crazy. What computer do you have? I run SLI GTX 680's, 12 gigs of ram, and a new 2011 socket 6 core cpu from intel rated at 3.8 gigaherts. If I take off vsync I get close to 100 fps everywhere in skyrim in 1080p resolution on a 32inch sony Bravia led 240hz tv with every setting maxed out. No game is ever taxing on my pc's because I upgrade every 1.5 year. Build gaming machine and stay current on technology or don't play computer games because you ruin it for the enthusiasts!
The game play will be solid and it will be fun and I know this because I was in the beta. But they failed me on the graphics part. No directx 11 support = fail. No tessellation support = fail. No shader 6.0 = fail. No doubt Diablo 3 will have huge sells and Blizzard will make hand over fist. With that said I have to ask the question?????? Why make a otherwise flawless game and then gimp everyone with 6 year old graphics?? Blizzard did this with WOW at launch. I mean look at Everquest 2 which was released around the same time as WOW. EQ2's graphics capabilities were light years ahead of WOW. They need to make there games have state of the art graphics, but make it scale-able so low end machines can run it where it looks like crap and people with 3,000+ dollar rigs like my self can gasp in awe at the pretty graphics. This is one thing about Blizzard I always hated. However, with that being said I like the Diablo series enough to play it with 6 year old graphics. It just saddens me that Blizzard operates like this.
mumrahh1's comments