greek mythology has been around for several thousands of years , i dojnt think anyone is still alive that could sue and win.
muppetpornstar's forum posts
i never had a ps2 , and i wanted to play god of war and severa;l other games
50 bucks was definitly worth bc
Are some of you retarded or something? The article talks about pre-production and launch models. This is nothing but an attempt at bashing the 360 by fanboys. The topic creator is misleading everyone by saying that the failure rate is 68 percent when it clearly isn't right now.
The article says MS new about those 68/100 faulty consoles in pre production and still gave the go ahead planning to fix it over time, what does that say about the kind of company Microsoft is? They completly screwed over early adopters just to beat out sony.
40% of Sony's Cell processors coming off the line in '06 were faulty and they still gave the go ahead planning to fix it over time, what does that same about the kind of company Sony is? They completely screwed over early adopters just to beat Microsoft.Think this stuff through, fellas.
article from july 14 2006 .... nice try
[QUOTE="muppetpornstar"]this 68% failure is not pre-production as many fanboys have tried to explain
this is in aug 05 the launch was nov 05 , not pre production but production these were the consoles to be placed on shelves at launch
if at the factory 68% didnt work , how many did they expect would work after consumers played them?
ms is owned by the richest men in the world , they tried to save a buck by stealing from us consumers so they could make a profit by selling us something they knew would break
then they wanna charge moeny for an extended warrenty for again the same product that was broke when they shipped it
i really hope ms finishes 3rd this gen and stop selling there junk.
6 broken 360's was enuff for me
all i'll do is ask you to read the article again and look for the bit that says 'initial phase BEFORE production', this means before it hits the factory. which means based on a component inspection (be it DVD bay, GPU, CPU) 68% weren't up to snuff. this is comparable to the bluray diode yield issue, which was cleared up - just like this issue MS had.
and then you can use this tissue for your self-ownage tears *hands tissue* :)
Takahashi quotes a Microsoft engineer who raised the issue of hardware reliability in August of 2005, months before the system's November launch. At the time, 68 of every 100 Xbox 360s made by Microsoft's Chinese manufacturing partners were coming off the line nonfunctional. Worse still, when the first batch of the system's three-core CPUs rolled off the line, only 16 percent worked
coming off the line nonfunctional
coming off the line nonfunctional
not preproduction , but production aug 05
now use that tissue for the load i just left on your face
this 68% failure is not pre-production as many fanboys have tried to explain
this is in aug 05 the launch was nov 05 , not pre production but production these were the consoles to be placed on shelves at launch
if at the factory 68% didnt work , how many did they expect would work after consumers played them?
ms is owned by the richest men in the world , they tried to save a buck by stealing from us consumers so they could make a profit by selling us something they knew would break
then they wanna charge moeny for an extended warrenty for again the same product that was broke when they shipped it
i really hope ms finishes 3rd this gen and stop selling there junk.
6 broken 360's was enuff for me
for 6 weeks i have been trying to update the game pain , finally with your help i was able to do this , thanks
i have posted this problem on 4 differnt sites your the first to come up with the fix
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