murphster21's forum posts
i wouldn't use it on my first run, but it would be a nice feature on my second time playing the game just for fun. something more like an earned cheatevanescfan
I agree. There should be something in GoW2 that recognises the save file. They did it in MGS with mantis so it shouldn't be too hard
I just ran the text through a dutch to english translation:
"Even if we were not blown away by E3-demo of god or war 2, we think still that it comes all, however, well with the game. That feeling was recently reinforced by the first pictures of a god or war 2 end boss. And not zomaar one. He who well looks at know these Barbarian King from of the small films of the god or war, waarinKratos which dude delete the head of the schoulders ares to Ultimate Warrior to be exclaimed. Wel, Mr. Barbarian King found that not as nice and are now as a type Evil Zombie Kratos themselves make a cup."
Alot comes up as gibberish (kinda reminds me of the one word story thread)
Is the titan still wandering around with the temple on his back?
also, the body burner guy outside the entrance to Pandora, is he like unemployed now? Can he leave the temple?
How did so many people get so far through Pandora's temple. Surely they shouldn't have got that far (ie bodies in the countdown spike room)
Can Kratos go on rampages against cities like Aries?
Did the architect get anything from building the temple (apart from a dead family)?
Were the gods mortals like Kratos once?
Cheers :P
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