@xhawk27: It's going to LOOK best on xbox one x, it's going to be just the same game as on the other consoles.
The only problem here is you, who think gamespot is hating on xbox one x. In reality it's your own insecurity, your fanboyism, that shines through and makes you this sad and pathetic being, that has to reassure himself constantly.
There is absolutely no reason why a company like gamespot would do that though, they gain nothing from it and they even get the games for free... so they have less reason to do this than you would have (or what you are indeed doing in reverse).
You just have to accept that review scores are bs to being with, and you shouldn't put so much meaning into them. Also you should maybe consider going to another site, if you see xbox hate everywhere and that is your preferred console... especially going forward seeing as nintendo games will continue to outshine any xbox exclusive games coming out... not that i can think of any right now... lest you be crying yourself to sleep daily.
Btw. If looks are all you're into, might i suggest getting a pc? And if rockstar this time get their heads out their asses and release RDR2 on pc... that version will ofc. look so much better than your bleeding xbox heart will care to admit, or even acknowledge.
@Alecmrhand: "Seems like just another Assassins Creed game...." - That's a bingo! - People here expect to much from this it seems... they haven't learnt from the countless ac games nor any of the other games ubisoft churn out... 1 years absence doesn't mean it's suddenly going to be the greatest game ever.
@thrombosis45 There was a huge difference in this video... i didn't remember the last of us looking that bad on last gen though. But why would people but this? because it's a great game! enough said on that one.
@wickedsc300 @murstdurst @ALCHEMISTx24x7 Ignorant prick. i have bought games digitally, but never for the full price ;) - and why it would hurt the industry if everybody buys a game after the price drop? are you really that dumb? The companies buying the games would earn less and thereby buy less games to sell which in turn would make the publishers less money... in the end it would force digital only on us at a price that's higher than disc copies and with minimal sales (unless they adopt the steam plan but so far they have not even come close)... so people will naturally buy less games and in turn make the publishers less money again... see where im getting at? it's a conspiracy theory but it's no more naive than the shit people like you spew out daily since ms conference.
And about selling digital copies, that is clearly not what we are talking about here, keep on subject please... but if you must i would urge you to research it a little... it's not so long ago that a court in the eu actually said you had to have the right to resell digital copies also... so it will come, especially if the industry goes digital only (which it won't for a long long time ;) )
@wickedsc300 @murstdurst @ALCHEMISTx24x7 The disc you buy? They own that? No, they don't that's mine and only mine... you see what i'm getting at?
And listen, used games have been here for a looooong time even before gamestop, and the industry have survived. Oh btw. i NEVER said it didn't have an impact on the industry, but i'm saying it won't ruin the industry like publishers apparently think now.... and sheep like you who believes every word companies like MS tells you.
The idea that i have to buy a game new (yeah i could wait till it drops in price, but won't that also affect the industry?) for 60 bucks and never be able to part with it other than throwing it in the trash, after i'm done with it (and nowadays games have playtimes for about 7-10 hours and if it has multiplayer i need to pay even more for the game) is absurd to say the least. And if it does happen, that i have to buy every game new and never selling a game after i'm done with it, i'm going to buy a lot less games and after they drop in price (and according to the uproar on the net alone) i know a lot will do the same, and tell me won't THAT affect the industry?
Either way i'm done arguing over this, it's just the newest "evil" according to publishers (and ms) and it will fade away and disc based games will remain (because of the pure fact it has such high demand... sony e3 conference ;) )
murstdurst's comments