I know, I know. Anyone who reads this blog comes here for opinions and facts, for essays and similes. But I'm not going to do that today.
Most blogs are full of stuff about what the author feels, what they want, what they ate for breakfast... I frankly find such distasteful. I resolve to never fall that way.
On a lighter note, I have some things that I've wanted to show the world.
A while ago, I decided that the big three (Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony) were somewhat laughable in their attempts to convince us to buy their next-gen systems. This was before the Xbox 360 came out, and before the Revolution controller was announced.
I did my research, read every interview with them, and decided on a course of action: I would take each side's attitudes and idiosyncrasies and compress them into a single, fabricated interview. I think I got them pretty accurate.
This, unfortunately, will have to be a two-part series instead of a three-part series, because... well, J Allard (Microsoft) kinda makes fun of himself. You want laughs, go read a real interview with him.
So, without further ado, I would like to present our first interviewee... Ken Kutagari from Sony!
Ken Kutagari
Sony Computer Entertainment
MP: Mr. Kutagari, I'd like to talk about your attitude towards your and your competition's next-gen consoles.
KK:Mutenpika-san, we are confident going into the next generation. We feel that the Playstation product line has become a part of everyday life. I think that our Playstation 3 will sell well, and we will make tons of money- oops, I mean we will make tons of customers happy. Heh heh heh.
MP: I heard that the Playstation 3, due to the variety of its seven processing cores, would be difficult to program for and buggy. Is this considered an acceptable trade-off for the supposedly blazing fast technology?
KK: When I said that I was sure the Playstation brand was entrenched in everyday life, I meant it. Playstation is just like cocaine. You can't kick the habit, but it makes you very, very happy. Connecting to the topic of your question, the Playstation brand is so integrated into our fan's substandard minds that they'll buy our next product no matter what problems there are with it. All we have to do is give them pretty prerendered demos and the promise of incredible graphics.
MP: Promise of incredible graphics? Like how you promised that the PS2's emotion engine could do everything from full-scene antialiasing to making the deaf hear and the lame walk?
KK: Exactly. Gaming is like politics. All you need to do is promise anything and the masses will follow you. You don't need to actually deliver on any of those promises.
MP: But won't people get mad when you don't deliver on your promises?
KK: As long as we can buy out all the developers, we're safe. If fans see a lot of games, they'll forget our system's inadequacies. As I said, most of our fans have fairly substandard intellects.
MP: I grant that that's probably true, but why do only idiots buy Playstation products?
KK: Oh, it's a side effect of our brainwashing- I mean, marketing strategy. Heh heh heh.
MP: Ooooookay. So, how do you feel about your competition's products?
KK: Products? Like in the plural? Oh! Microsoft must be making a portable. I wonder how I missed the press release.
MP: No, I mean the Microsoft Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Revolution.
KK: Uhhh... what's Nintendo?
MP: You know, your other major competitor!
KK: I don't recall having any serious competition called Nintendo. Maybe on our other electronics lines?
MP: *sigh* never mind. How do you feel about the competition from the Xbox 360?
KK: Microsoft is like a bee. And we're like an elephant. If they succeed in their attack, we'll hurt a bit. And the bee will die.
MP: From the way things are looking up, I might be more excited about the Xbox 360 than the PS3-
KK: Infidel.
MP: -What would you say to me to sway me your way?
KK: Let me try our marketing strategy. Give me a second to get this out of my pocket...
MP: What's that pendulum for?
KK: You are getting sleepy... You will buy a Playstation 3 and defend your purchase to the grave...
MP: Sorry, Kutagari-san. I'm immune to hypnosis.
KK: I'm warning you, fool. Those terrible, subhuman people who resist the Playstation brand will be destroyed.
MP: Is your middle initial K, by any chance?
KK: Why do you ask?
MP: Never mind. Goodbye, and thank you for your time.
KK: Wait! Muten... Join the Playstation side. There is much power there.
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